Hating on E-Books

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New member
Mar 1, 2009
I read some of your posts in the "books to read" sticky up the top and saw that quite a few people like/recommend 4HWW

One of the things Tim Ferriss hit on in that book was monetizing information products.

Does your e-book hate extend to that sort of thing? Or is it limited to people trying to monetize information on AM? Or just limited to people who sell information that is already free?

if you cannot sell something that is available for free, you don't deserve to be in AM.
And yeah, don't worry if we blast you or insult you for being a snake-oil salesman (if you sell how-to get rich stuff) -- we will still love to push the same shit like Google Cash and Grants on PPC while rolling in our profits but feel good about blasting you. :)

Just part of the game. DO whatever rolls your boat -- Money Talks and Bullshit Walks.
Been selling ebooks for years. Don't let the "hate" coming from other members of an online forum stops you from doing something that can/will put food on your table and a roof over your head.

Like Lord said, just don't expect to find many customers of your MakeInterWebRichesNow books on WickedFire.
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