

New member
Sep 3, 2008
So why all the blog posts all of a sudden about HasOffers? Are they compensating the bloggers? Volk, ShoeMoney, Narsticle, and Bryn all showed up in my reader pimping HasOffers...

Well I would think twice before signing up with any hasoffers network. Makes it so easy for anybody to sign up and become a network.

I see that as huge ass problem. You'll get so many inexperienced want to start their own without figuring things out first... Will they have enough experience? cash flow to pay affiliates? When shit hits the fan, can network owner pull through and continue business or just shut it down? Seen too many fail already.

I can only imagine more affiliates going to come crying saying they didn't get pay by this network or that.

Also do you know who owns the network? Do they have reputation in the industry? Have you met them in person at affiliate summit or ad tech?

Do you know when you are signing up, you are filling out your personal information? address/phone/social/ possible bank account # for direct deposit? What stops somebody from signing up and start doing identity theft?

Only work with well known networks or wait until that network becomes one.
Ian Fernando, Zac Johnson had one but isn't there anymore and the biggest post whore Jon Chow. It's funny when someone was obviously paying people. Go to affbuzz.com and look at all the blog posts.
Rumor circling on the back end is that the guys behind HO are shady and have done a ton of shady stuff in the industry. One commentator on one of those blog reviews made a good point on the fact that $799/month on the Enterprise edition does not even begin to cover a fraction of a fraction on hosting cost so the business model is BS as well.
Rumor circling on the back end is that the guys behind HO are shady and have done a ton of shady stuff in the industry. One commentator on one of those blog reviews made a good point on the fact that $799/month on the Enterprise edition does not even begin to cover a fraction of a fraction on hosting cost so the business model is BS as well.

I'm not defending them or anything because I couldnt care less if they succeed or fail but maybe the business model is the same as shared hosting. They sign up a bunch of affiliate networks hoping most do shit volume, make a ton of money off those and lose on some of the bigger networks...or sell some sort of upgraded package/feature set to the larger guys.
The HO system is amazing IMHO. (Looks bad reading it a second time... haha)

Whether or not the company might have done some shady stuff in the past, I have no idea, but since they are new to the affiliate marketing industry (as a network side of things), I think it's a bit too early to even be able to say.

I suppose that until something surfaces about them, I'll continue to love the system.
Whether or not the company might have done some shady stuff in the past, I have no idea, but since they are new to the affiliate marketing industry (as a network side of things), I think it's a bit too early to even be able to say.

Tatto Media = Hasoffers ... definitely NOT new to the affiliate marketing game and since they own their own network (remember 2 months ago when the same group of bloggers were all paid to write about how great that was), you gotta expect that one of the reasons for the cheap prices and low barrier to entry on HO, is for the publisher data.
They sign up a bunch of affiliate networks hoping most do shit volume, make a ton of money off those and lose on some of the bigger networks...or sell some sort of upgraded package/feature set to the larger guys.

This doesn't work considering that they front a ton of clicks for the free edition as it is. I highly doubt that the dollar amount backs up.

Whether or not the company might have done some shady stuff in the past, I have no idea, but since they are new to the affiliate marketing industry (as a network side of things), I think it's a bit too early to even be able to say.

They're not new. As the previous poster said, they're Tatto. Been around for a long time. I've never done any business with them so I can't verify the rumors nor do I want to place them as facts but it doesn't help when every review out there is a paid review and every person who knows them, refuses to actually work with them, and every person that is joining on board, doesn't know any better, have a clue who they are, or thinks they're a new company. Reality doesn't look so hot does it.
ive seen at least 10 new networks popup this month all using the .hasoffers.com subdomain for their tracking. Expect a shitload of affiliate complaints i mean its better than directtrack but at least they have a cost of entry to keep most amateurs away.
ive seen at least 10 new networks popup this month all using the .hasoffers.com subdomain for their tracking. Expect a shitload of affiliate complaints i mean its better than directtrack but at least they have a cost of entry to keep most amateurs away.

What youll see is a bunch of advertisers get crap traffic, but how will they get offers? all these new networks will just broker them, probably from someone who already brokered them from another network. These new networks will be amazed at the number of sign ups they get in the first week and just approved everyone (these signups are 101% bots) the new network will start sending traffic, they will see some money, then after a month the advertiser will catch it, and not pay for any of the traffic from that network, the broker who brokered it, and anyone who ran the offer with the original network, collateral damage