Has Anyone Ever Had a Successful Campaign On SiteScout?


New member
Nov 14, 2014
I've tried to market a few things there and it seems like nothing ever converts. I've heard that it's good for gaming offers but the ones I've tried have not panned out.

Anyone else with some experience on this platform that know what niches work best?

Also, does anyone know where their inventory comes from? Is it direct from the sites or are they just a middle man between you and another company?

No, but I had some Russian "hack" my account and spend money on it without any recourse.
I've run on SiteScout before, but only to test a site's traffic before approaching them directly to negotiate a price. I would never run media buys through a third-party unless absolutely necessary, as you can typically get a far better deal buying direct.

Consider WF as an example; you can buy banners through BuySellAds or you can ping Jon to see what it would cost to have a run-of-site for a month. I would use inventory ads (BuySellAds) to test the traffic here, and once you're sure it converts, you can do the run-of-site or monthly buy. This is how I used SiteScout.

I've tried to market a few things there and it seems like nothing ever converts. I've heard that it's good for gaming offers but the ones I've tried have not panned out.

Anyone else with some experience on this platform that know what niches work best?

The niches will vary as the sites in their inventory vary greatly. With media buying you really need to do your work to match your offer(s) to the site's audience, or vice versa.

Also, does anyone know where their inventory comes from? Is it direct from the sites or are they just a middle man between you and another company

Yes, it's direct and yes, they are a middleman. For example, they have FB inventory through FBX but unless it's changed recently it's only right-hand-side ads.
I don't quite get how you bid on a placement and come back and that placement has now morphed into a bundle of shit placements which has laid waste to your budget. Shady as fuck in my mind.
I don't quite get how you bid on a placement and come back and that placement has now morphed into a bundle of shit placements which has laid waste to your budget. Shady as fuck in my mind.
Exactly. Sitescout's bundling is BS, as they do not mention this anywhere when creating ads or in their FAQ. I wasted a couple hundred bucks before I figured out what they were doing. After contacting support, they advised that I whitelist only the sites I want to receive traffic from. So I whitelisted a business news website that has very high quality traffic.

My Ad CTR was about 1%, and I tested with $500 which was about 5000 clicks.

On other traffic sources, my presell page was getting a 40-45% CTR.

Out of the 5000 or so clicks to my presell page from Sitescout traffic, I received a total of 2 clicks to the offer. And 1 of those clicks was from myself checking to make sure my links weren't broken.

I brought up the issue with SS support, and they refused to refund for traffic that was clearly bot traffic and not from the placement I was bidding on/whitelisted.

I'm convinced 99% of the traffic they offer is shit, and who wants to spend the time or money trying to find that golden nugget.
There are so many DSP's these days, there really is no point in dealing with Sitescout's shady tactics.

If you have a compliant offer you want to promote, max out your traffic on Adwords first, start working with an ad sales rep at Yahoo, and then look into running on a DSP that has data-management capabilities like MediaMath.

Once your dick is big enough, you can try buying direct on the AppNexus exchange.
There are so many DSP's these days, there really is no point in dealing with Sitescout's shady tactics.

If you have a compliant offer you want to promote, max out your traffic on Adwords first, start working with an ad sales rep at Yahoo, and then look into running on a DSP that has data-management capabilities like MediaMath.

Once your dick is big enough, you can try buying direct on the AppNexus exchange.

What are other good DSP alternatives to sitescout for peasants like myself?
So I just ran a test on sitescout again; In the past I had profited on some US coreg campaigns (anime character quizzes, was tons of anime traffic) and had slight profit on a US skin campaign. I put $500 in and made an INTL campaign and I re-activated my US campaign that netted me maybe 10-20% roi the last attempt before I dropped it. This time around, the placement sends me all bot clicks, mostly all in the same range, all from the same ISP, which was some hosting company. My tracking would not even pass the clicks to my LP as it saw them as proxy clicks.. But sitescout saw them as legit lol, and I paused that one very fast. My INTL campaign on the other hand, I spent about 80$ on over 2 days (after pausing the insanely shit placements it's all I had left in inventory lol, I know it's nothing.) The cpc was good, but instead of a 30%+ LP ctr, I was seeing more like.. 1%. When I asked for a refund they told me that what I had spent was far too little for a true test lol... Well not in this case. Would definitely steer clear of sitescout :)
I was actually looking for another alternative apart from sitescout and came accross Bluagile. You should check it out as well
The buy in makes me wonder about site scout. Gotta fork over atlas 500 to test. Maybe it's not that much, but I have a feeling most of the traffic would be garbage when you are testing so basically poof 500 dollars gone.
There's a lot of new sites with medium traffic. If you investigate further, most of them use the same theme and has just a few posts/contet. Very suspicious looking sites.