Hard Market

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New member
Dec 16, 2006
Whats up guys,

I have been trying to be successful in the affiliate market for months, but with no success. Well, i made $250 last month selling Genf20. Anyway, i have this site here and and wanted to know if you can give me any suggestion's on improving my sales? Last month i made 8 sales in total.

Surprised you got 8 sales.

It looks like an ad, so the reviews are pretty much worthless. Either you are a review site trying to gain some trust with the viewer or you are a blatant ad, it is hard to be both.
Whats up guys,

I have been trying to be successful in the affiliate market for months, but with no success. Well, i made $250 last month selling Genf20. Anyway, i have this site here and and wanted to know if you can give me any suggestion's on improving my sales? Last month i made 8 sales in total.

It is a nice site. Good job pre selling the product. If your profitable just duplicate what you did to get the 8 sales.
I personally would not get into the drug supplement market or recommend any newbie getting into it as their first project, but then again, I am not you, so you may have your own reasons for it.

So with that aside, I like that you are using a Wordpress type of blog as a preselling tool. But that's only what it should be used as, a pre-selling tool, not a final sales tool. Making a blog like yours, I'd recommend a small redesign, or at least think of a way to use the information on the site in a more presentable "buy the shit I write about" type of way. If you got a whole 8 sales, from the crappy layout that you have going right now, you can at least double that figure for the next month or even triple it.

Your goal should be to understand the potential buyer's needs and views. They are coming to your site for a reason. Most of them probably just want free information, but many of those people need to be told "buy this now!" but in a very suttle non-agressive sales pitch approach. They most likely need to be coaxed into thinking "hey, this can work for me, let me give it a whirl".

What I would do right this moment is re-evaluate the site and it's approach. Make the blog very very user friendly, easy to navigate, pack it with information, but not too much so that they get bored, just cover the basic topics and use a very neutral but friendly approach. You may even consider writing the blog and acting as if you've used/tried the products you are selling, and that you are a success story for it. You should DEFINITELY get yourself a cheap aweber account ($10/mo) and start collecting their email addresses. You may even want to collect their emails from different stages of their time on your site, such as, if they click back or exit, offer them some free shit in exchange for their email address. If they click a buy link, get their email address as a potential buyer. You'll have a lot more control over the users, and you'll be able to target them for similar products if the time comes to sell them.

Another really good approach is to create a very neutral but friendly "I'm on your side" type of site which is a product comparison site. By going this route, you can put all of the products side by side, rate them, discuss the pros and cons, use product images, and put buy now affiliate links for all of the products, so that just in case they go for the cheaper one, you still get credit from that product, but so that they all look as if they are being rated realistically by someone who has tried them all and is giving out an unbias review. Sure, it may not be so ethical because you are in a sense lying, but then again, these pill products never work anyhow, so it's up to you if you want to either make money, or have one of your peers make the sale instead of you.

Very good advice from Jon.

Not trying to suck up (ha! waaayyy too late for that!)

Heed that advice and get cracking.

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