Happy New Year Guys....!


Chief Editor
Oct 25, 2009
Hello All friends from WF,

The time just moves on...it brings mixed feelings for different people,
we have seen new members, many blogmasters have made $10 from adsense, sombody closed a website and many other were happy with the new PR update..

Now since we are at the end of the corner of this year...

Lets hope that we all will have a great 2010...

All the best guys....cheers.


content writing services? did you read your post before submitting it?

First - never start an opener with Hello Friends (increases level of hate)
Second - wtf is a blogmaster? is that similar to a beastmaster?
Third - sombody = spellcheck, buddy.
Fourth - other should be plural = others
Fifth - years don't have corners

Are you related to Sumit?
You should also consider using periods instead of commas. That is a common mistake from Indian writers. They think Americans like really long paragraphs or something.

Oh and... STOP USING ... SO MUCH...

I dont think you will have much of a future here, go back to DP, they will accept you...and your low rates, it is how they operate, because they do not care...about good content...
He is from Kentucky and I am from Namibia.
Didnt we establish like a couple of hours back that WF does not <3 PR ?

Maybe we should give him a chance, new year cheer etc and build him up to be a back up sumit.
He is from Kentucky and I am from Namibia.
Didnt we establish like a couple of hours back that WF does not <3 PR ?

Maybe we should give him a chance, new year cheer etc and build him up to be a back up sumit.

There is no way some one from Kentucky uses commas so negligently. He is in fact, NOT American. If he is, shame on his parents.
many blogmasters have made $10 from adsense, sombody closed a website and many other were happy with the new PR update..

Hai blogmaster. I am a masterbaker........ teach me howz to maike 10 dollas from adsense day.

He is from Kentucky and I am from Namibia.
Didnt we establish like a couple of hours back that WF does not <3 PR ?

Maybe we should give him a chance, new year cheer etc and build him up to be a back up sumit.

According to his website, his phone number starts with +21. Guess what? Not America. In fact, that is the code for the following countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.

He should be banned for lying, and giving the people of Kentucky a bad name.