Happy Canada Day!


Secret owner of CPAGoat
I just wanted to take a moment and wish a Happy Canada Day to all my fellow citizens of the Great White North.

Make sure to celebrate with your favourite beer, your favourite Canadian whisky (CC Classic, hopefully), BBQ and friends/family.

Make sure to celebrate with your favourite beer, your favourite Canadian whisky (CC Classic, hopefully), BBQ and friends/family.

...or celebrate with a glass of Ghostbuster Dan Aykroyd's crystal skull vodka. Made from prairie wheat, Newfoundland water, and banned in Ontario. :)
Played a round of golf like I do every day...didn't even feel like a holiday. I guess my entire life is a holiday.
Ottawa was great on Canada Day. Actually, Ottawa is probably the best city to visit in the summer on the North American continent. Just a bunch loads of museums with interactive stuff for the kiddies.
(And yeah, I've done Disneyland and NYC)
There was tons of free stuff on Canada Day.