Happy Atlas Shrugged Day!


Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
"A white rectangle hung over the city, imparting the date to the men in the streets below. In the rusty light of this evening's sunset, the rectangle said: September 2."

Happy Atlas Shrugged Day!

Cheers to the primary book that influenced me to want to run my own business. I know that there's a lot of like-minded people here who are probably fans, or would like it if they gave the book a read.

By no means do I fully believe in Objectivism and I think Ayn Rand missed a LOT of points towards living a fulfilling life, but I do think that Atlas Shrugged is a masterpiece and its overarching themes make me what I am today. My own man.

On a related note, today's date is also 90210.


I used to beat off to Kelly twice a day when I was a kid so this is a day of special memories for me.
My copies of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are collecting dust. The sheer size of these tomes makes it hard to commit to reading.
My copies of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are collecting dust. The sheer size of these tomes makes it hard to commit to reading.
It's definitely a time commitment, but well worth it in my opinion. Both of those books have had a pretty big impact on me personally.
I, like many kids, read those books in high school. They are really not that difficult to read. Perhaps it's easier when you are a teenager and ( maybe) have less shit to do and more "free time." The Fountainhead is an easier read and much more enjoyable IMO.

I have Atlas Shrugged on CD, read by Edward Herrmann ( you know him from tv, movies, and car commericals). It is long- like 10 CDs, but easy to absorb. I was commuting up to 3 hours each way for work and school when I bought it. So I listened to the whole book in a couple days.

Rand has several very short non-fiction philosophical books as well. I agree with Berto as far as objectivism and Rand missing a lot of things. I can't hang with people who worship her, but there are a lot of good things to take away.
+1 for Atlas Shrugged. Must read. But if it comes to Atlas Shrugged vs. The Fountainhead, I'd say the latter made me a better man. It really is the best step you can take to freeing yourself of the need to make impressions upon others. Once you stop giving a fuck what people think about you, you're free to be who you're meant to be.