Had a new son.


New member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
Just FYI for those of you that don't know I had a new son on the 31st of August at 4:31am PST. 9 lbs, 3 oz and 21 inches long.

I know a lot of people have been trying to msg me and sorry I haven't got back to you I just got a computer again :D

My wife was in labor for 14 hours and then had some complications so we were in the hospital for all that time. My son Blake had some breathing problems and was in ICU as well. We just got home so I apologize if I don't get right back to you if you msg me but I will shortly.

Thanks everyone for you good wishes on Facebook and Twitter.

Jason aka Smaxor


I wish him great health, a long & prosperous life, and happiness.

This reminds me of when my grandson was born. After the delivery I went out into the waiting room. All these women were comparing babies saying things like, "8 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 inches long" and so on. After hearing about six of the Specs, it dawned on me. "This sounds like a Bass Tournament weigh-in!" (I made the mistake of saying this out loud and got some serious Dagger Eyes from the women around me. LOL)
My wife was in labor for 14 hours and then had some complications so we were in the hospital for all that time. My son Blake had some breathing problems and was in ICU as well. We just got home so I apologize if I don't get right back to you if you msg me but I will shortly.

not returning a4d-related messages? you reaaaaally need to get your priorities straight bro.

;) grats sir.