Guy on wheelchair taken down by officers


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Peace officers have no idea what their roles are...

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Guy on wheelchair taken down by officers‬‏[/ame]

He started it!

About 10 years ago I went to traffic court for a speeding ticket (hey I was innocent; hehehe -- nah I speeding, so what: I actually know wtf I'm doing out there). So there in the lobby was an old freind dressed in blue. I was stunned -- this guy was a freakin hoodlum!

I was like 'Anthony your a cop?!!!!?'
He said 'yeah, we kick ass.'

Story goes that when he was 17 the judge was gonna put him in jail if he didn't reform. He joined the army and became an MP. He parlayed that into a life of "law enforcement".

Tax dollars at work.
It's his fault, he crossed into the blue light gangs turf, which is.. every square inch of the country.