Guide: How to Get $2 First Billing on Facebook Without Holds | Updated for March-Apri


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Mar 14, 2024
First off, I don’t personally run ads using first bills because for me it’s a method for those willing to put in the effort or are just learning to run ads on Facebook. However, I have some guys around me who engage in this, so they’ve briefed me on the ins and outs, and I decided to test everything myself and create a guide for you guys. Let’s start by understanding what the first bill is.

First bills are a way to get traffic for free. It’s mainly associated with FB because there’s post-payment for churned ads on this platform, but there are options for other platforms as well. Practitioners of this method are called first billers. Their main task is to trick the platform and get free traffic.

Selecting Supplies, Materials for FB First Bill:

- Proxies: Use proxies, the GEO doesn’t matter. For example, you can take Romania, Bulgaria, etc. Matching proxies to GEO of the account — auto-registered (one that is simply registered without prior warming up) or cards is not required.

- Antidetect browser: I personally recommend and use MoreLogin. For one of the lowest prices on the market per browser profile, you get fast operation, convenient teamwork mode. Also, if you’re a farmer, you might like the new “Cloud Phone” feature, which works on the same principle as profiles of the main anti-detect. I also used it in this guide and successfully got the first bill, so feel free to use MoreLogin.

- Auto-registered accounts: Take any, you can find them in shops or just by Googling, the shop doesn’t matter. The GEO also doesn’t matter, the recommended purchase price is 20–40 cents.

- Cards: Turkish cards were used to get PBs, but cards from other countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Europe, USA, etc.) will also work. There are also payment systems like AnyBill, BroCards, etc., you can easily find them online. It is necessary to consider that you should pick quality BINs since not all of them bind well. For Turkey, these BINs showed themselves well: FUPS (439575), OZAN (498597), ININAL (478500).

Preparation and Card Linking:

It is recommended to take several Auto-registered accounts at once. Use them with proxies in MoreLogin antidetect browser and log into the account of each, then log out. Leave the accounts for „resting”, and then after 24 hours, go to Ads Manager.

In the billing, change the information for the card: Country/Currency. For example, for Turkey: Country — Germany, Currency — USD (Dollar).

Also, regardless of the card’s GEO, combinations like Ukraine/USD, Romania/USD work well. Euro currency is not recommended because it often triggers the “Risk Payments” ban.

After a short settling, link the card through billing to the Auto-registered accounts.

If it holds, try giving more time to settle after changing payment info in the billing. It makes sense to test different BINs (not all link without holding). At this stage, it’s important to simply link the card (“primary linking”) without a hold. If there is a “Risk Payments” ban, try changing proxies or payment info (Country/Currency).

It’s better to link cards by the “ladder” method. Take 3–5 cards, link the first card 1–3 times in a row, then take the second one. And so on in a circle. On average, 1 card is linked to 8–10 Auto-registered accounts (8–10 times).

Transfer and Launch:

After linking cards to several Auto-registered accounts, it’s better to transfer them to a king for convenience and account safety.

- Choose the main King account. You can take slightly farmed Auto-registered accounts (just not “zero”). Prepare FP on the king (create and fill out or add an existing working FP).

- Link BM to this King account. It could be done through “People”. BM can be bought or created through Insta. Optionally: On BM, create and configure the Facebook Pixel. In the future, it’s enough to just share it on all ads added to BM and will be added subsequently.

- In the “Ad Accounts” of BM, add Auto-registered accounts. Through a request for access to ads from the King account and confirmation of the request on the Auto-registered accounts (in the ad account settings). The King account himself is not assigned to the transferred ads.

- Through “People”, add another Auto-registered accounts to BM (hereinafter “Second pilot”) and assign it to manage ad accounts.

- Then go to BM through “Second pilot” and manage and launch ads through it. This way, your main king won’t be hit with ad-related issues. Plus, you won’t lose access to other linked ads and the main FP (Fan-Page). If “Second pilot” is hit with issues, you simply go to BM through the king, remove him from BM, and add a new “Second pilot”.

- “Inoculate” each ad account against holds, will be described later.

- Launch all ads from BM using 1 FP (Fan-Page) (on the King account) and 1 Facebook Pixel (if needed).

Removing Holds When Launching Campaigns:

So what is Holds in Facebook Ads?

Let’s start from the basics. Meta is a source of income for a large number of teams, some of which build their businesses on PB (first bill), or apply carge. Therefore, for security purposes, on the platform, there is pre-auto and hold for some BINs and banks.

For general understanding, the hold amount is deducted equal to the bill amount every time the billing deduction threshold is reached, up to $75. As a result, instead of $10 being deducted, for example, $20 is deducted, and so on…

With such expenditures, it is very difficult for a newcomer to break even and form an advertising budget, as the money in online banking services is returned within 14 days or more.

The main problem is not with holds during primary linking but during campaign launch (“Publications”).

- Link the card in billing without a hold (primary linking).

- Load the campaign in ADS and disable the ad (blue switch). Do not publish!

- In billing, click “…Delete card”. Do not delete it completely. Leave the pop-up window offering to confirm deletion. Switch to ADS.

- In ADS, publish the ad. Leave the ad disabled!

- Quickly go to billing.

- Complete the card deletion in billing.

- In ADS, wait for the appearance of “Error displaying” (immediately after Processing).

- In billing, link the card (can be the same as in the first linking, or another one).

- In ADS, enable the ad. It immediately goes for review and then activates.


At the end of the guide, I want to give you guys some additional recommendations. When linking the card again, cards are more willing to link than during the first linking. Almost all cards link. Therefore, for the sake of saving the “number of links” of the main card (since re-linking will also be counted), you can use another (“cheaper”) card, i.e., drain the links to it.