groupon clone help


Howdy Who
Jul 24, 2010
hi WF members,

I've spent countless hours (over 6 months) searching for the right and reliable groupon clone script, but no luck. I read all the reviews, search and tested most groupon clones and i am still not satisfied and i am now lost. I want to eventually start my own group buying site in Thailand. I am familiar with coding and such but do not have to time to actually code it myself, i just want to buy a reliable script that i can do a little custom coding to it. My budget is from $500-$1000.

Does anyone know of any or have their own group buying site? Please share your experiences. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Gosh, still searching and i am at the point where i think i should just quit.

thanks and regards,


hi evandals,

yes, i have but already read some good and bad reviews! heard their support team sucks! but thanks for the help! not sure who to trust...
You could just go to every page in Groupon, do a "save as HTML" and save all the code.

Then you could re-color the web pages in MS-Paint.

I created a Google clone that way once. It was ballin'
have you just been searching for Groupon clone type sites?

probably wont get you as far as searching for daily deal sites or keywords like that.
dude, you should learn to code. it only takes me a week to build that shit complete with decent graphics, css, js, and debugged to the max.