Ground Breaking Adsense Advice; lol

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What a fucking shit head, the scarey part is, I think he is serious! and if he is it brings up another question. How many other cum dumpsters like this are floating around out there?
I got a negative rep on digital point for my comment, getting sick of that place. comment below.

you shouldn't be posting information like this, it encrouages click fraud and gives us all a bad name. Also you could get banned
as much as I hate what this guy is saying,
but i think it's good that these informations are available. so we know what are the possibilities. I always wondered how google knows if any body is facking clicks etc.
roozbeh007 said:
as much as I hate what this guy is saying,
but i think it's good that these informations are available. so we know what are the possibilities. I always wondered how google knows if any body is facking clicks etc.

I hear what you are saying in some ways, but the way this dude posted it makes it informative for the losers that click their own ads.
There are much more profitable ways to do fraud on the internet.

But for a similar amount of effort, you could actually produce a legit income, so I don't really see the point.
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