great niche i got going on

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i've noticed that the earnings seem to have some kind of lag for me, while the clicks do not. for example in adsense notifier it showed 11 clicks for me and 5.43 $earned. I looked at my adsense report and it showed 13 clicks and still 5.43$ earned. About 20 minutes later I looked again and still had 13 clicks but about 1.20$ more.
Looks like Google is showing shit paying CPM ads on your behalf. you might be able to block them or you might want to reduce the number of ad blocks on your page so that the CPC advertisers are the only ones showing up.
So you are paying an infnite amount for traffic that makes 0?

Genius man, pure genius.

Shut that page off fast.

Looks like Google is showing shit paying CPM ads on your behalf. you might be able to block them or you might want to reduce the number of ad blocks on your page so that the CPC advertisers are the only ones showing up.

Yeah, i shut it off. I only had one adblock showing, and like you said, google was giving me the shit.
why not rework the page to see if you can get better ads. I mean, if it's got the traffic, then figure out what keywords to feed the google bot.

I've done that with 2 sites. One went from .20 clicks to .75-1.50 clicks and the other stayed crap, but at least I tested some other options before walking away. If you don't want to mess with it, I'll be happy to take it off of your hands.....
That is a good thought atomm.

Shaggz, are you sure you are getting targetted ads and not psa's?
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