Great Exact Match Keyword Domain For Sale

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Mar 12, 2007
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I've got for sale. It's the next game in the Guitar Hero series that doesn't come out until June. I originally was going to develop the site, but I have too many damn projects going on as it is.

PM me with any offers. I won't be by my computer for a little while(12-24 hours). So, I'll sift through the offers when I get the chance.

As of the time of this post it's currently ranked #33 on Google Trends top 100 hot trends:


Hate to break this to you... domains with hyphens-dashes DO NOT get the same exact match SEO bonus as those with no hyphens. You might get a the benefit from people linking to you by having the keyword in the domain (for people that dont link with proper anchor text)... but thats it.

Now if you had, I might bid on it.
tip for ya. instead of going after the world of hyphens find something better. Like for this release I bought Which still isn't but much more sellable domain. FYI is available.
Yeah, I'm fully aware that hyphenated domains aren't as good as the nonhyphenated versions, but that was what was available. So, that's what I bought.

I originally planned on developing it, but right afterwards I decided against it due to having a lot of other projects going on right now.

For PPC, I've actually split tested the same domain name with the hypens versus without the hyphens before and have seen the hyphenated version actually preform better sometimes. Depends on the niche.
tip for ya. instead of going after the world of hyphens find something better. Like for this release I bought Which still isn't but much more sellable domain. FYI is available.

Hey Eli, so if you were targetting the keyword phrase "Guitar Hero On Tour" for SEO you would rather have than even though the hypenated one is the exact keyword match? Are you speaking more from a branding, reselling, or SEO ranking point of view?
Hey Eli, so if you were targetting the keyword phrase "Guitar Hero On Tour" for SEO you would rather have than even though the hypenated one is the exact keyword match? Are you speaking more from a branding, reselling, or SEO ranking point of view?

Only one extra character and it also can get organic traffic from "Guitar Hero 4" plus its more brandable cus it doesn't have hyphens.
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