Great Color Site.

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I ♥ Kuler

Radio: They're like swatches that the dude thatpaints your house uses.
It's so you know which colours work in a complimentary manner and are aesthetically pleasing.
But yeah, you either download them and open them up in your image editing program, or just do a quick screen cap, and drag the colours into your pallette.
LotsOfZeroes tool is good too, but it's only a time saver if you don't know the quick keys for screencap > New > paste
HarveyJ - thanks. I figured as much. But does it matter in what order they are (left to right) - as in some are better for background, while others are good for foreground, accent vs base... or whatever? I take screen captures all day and paste into photoshop at work - so that's not an issue. I use Colorzilla for stuff too. Just wondering how those swatches were used in practice. I think I got it... unless someone wants to clarify. Thanks!
Not as such. The way they're presented there is simply the way they've been put in by the people making the colour scheme.
If you like the way that the colours are used going from right to left, then your brain will also like that same colour scheme starting at the background and moving to foreground.
And vice-versa.

However, it's not a hard and fast rule.
You should put them in which ever order you find aesthetically pleasing, because if you like the look, other people will too.

You should also try to remember that certain colours will evoke certain reactions.
Soft blue is calming.
Deep green is natural.
Cream is trustworthy.
Red & Yellow are urgent.
That sort of thing.

There's a guy called Jim Ames who's a colour theorist. He's got a really good book on it.
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Between Kuler and ColorSchemer you should have all your colour needs covered. I use them both and love that Kuler is built right into Illustrator. I suspect (or hope rather) that we'll see further integration into all the Adobe products in CS4.
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