
New member
Mar 13, 2010
Gump Town
OK..... When I first came here I spent a lot of time reading posts. I understood some of it and other things not so much. Google and research are your friends !

After a while I decided to Get Off The Fucking Couch (GOTFC) and threw up my first site ! It was a site in an obscure health related niche. One that I'm sure none of you have ever heard of. Doesn't matter though. It was a learning experience. Is that site a money maker ? Not really..... it averages .19 cents a day in revenue.

However I have learned a lot about the WordPress system. It's a great platform and one that both teaches and infuriates me at the same time :)

So the moral of this story is thus: GOTFC :) As time goes by you will look back at your first attempt and have a smile on your face. Remember, it was your first attempt that got you to where you started making money.