Got Cyclone?


corporate hustler
Oct 11, 2008
We do :(


Brisbane was under water, about 1800km south of us.. They are talking the cyclone is increasing to a category 5 by the time it hits the coast OHNOES
damn, that blows dude. good luck. seems like the storms are getting bigger and bigger, we're about to get hammered in midwest USA tomorrow also. nothing even close to that tho.
Yep, army is evacuating the hospital here.. Australian & U.S. navy ships are coming into port..

"apparently" the hospital received an extra 80.000 body bags today too
Why not call it a hurricane?

-- Hurricane: a violent wind which has a circular movement, especially found in the West Atlantic Ocean. A hurricane is actually a violent storm formed with water which causes heavy rains and fierce winds and they can cause flooding of streets and homes.

-- Cyclone: a violent tropical storm or wind in which the air moves very fast in a circular direction. They can be formed over tropical waters, bar the Southeast Pacific and the South Atlantic Oceans. Technically, all hurricanes are cyclones but not all cyclones are hurricanes: if their wind speed is over 74 miles per hour, they're hurricanes, if not, they're just cyclones or tropical storms.

So it is now confirmed that the eye of the cyclone alone is more than 100km in diameter..

The latest satellite image shows its bigger then the entire state of Queensland, which is the state it is heading for in the image, which is roughly 1,734,157 square kilometres


Gonna be a fun day tommorow!
IF you're struggling to grasp the magnitude of Tropical Cyclone Yasi, consider this: it is so large it would almost cover the United States, most of Asia and large parts of Europe.
And the map of Yasi over the continental United States...

I hope you chaps are alright up there. I know the people of Victoria will return the support shown to us during the 2009 bushfires.

As an aside, we shouldn't let these setbacks diminish our efforts to explore and conquer this vast continent.
Yeah its crazy down there my sister is going to uni in Townsville and she been sending me text updates. She said they got a call to evacuate but because of where they were they would not make the cut off time before they stopped people from leaving.

From what I heard the storm surge is going to be worse the Katrina.

Last text I got from her is that they were about to have there water and power cut off. Should be in for a good ride.

In 04 I was on Frazer Island when a category 3 came over us and split into 2 smaller category 2 cyclones. That was cool can not imagine what a category 5 will be like.