Got a new forum? Automatic Forum Population To Get You Started!

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New member
May 8, 2011
Where ever the Proxy is.
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Original population of a new forum is something that everyone struggles to achieve. On average all of the HUMAN based forum posting that I have been able to locate run around $.10 per post. With the automated system that I provide, the cost is under $.02 per post.

Where do we get the information? All the information is pulled from Yahoo Answers. The content is not spun and Yahoo Answers terms of service require that I place "Powered By Yahoo! Answers" as a signature line.

There are going to be questions about "duplicate content" and that has been proven wrong so many times. It really only comes into play on the same domain and I am not so sure that is even true to a point. Look at your blogs and see the pages with a little blurb from your posts and a read more link? Besides you only need this info until humans arrive.
I would think that duplicate content would hurt you but it does not.

The service does not pull info from other forums, it can only handle Yahoo Answers.

I can handle phpBB, vBulletin and SMF forum types.

I can post in sub-forums.

The limitations are special characters; you can't have any. The English service is ready now and we are working on 5 other languages.

Yahoo! Answers Regions supported are:

United States - English
United Kingdom - English
Canada - English
Australia - English
India - English
Singapore - English

However the data is pulled from the region of Yahoo Answers is how it is posted. If the answer is in Malay then it will be posted in Malay, there is no translation.

Are there any issues with off topic posts?

You bet there are, but that is a limitation of Yahoo Answers. For instance I did a test searching the Sports category for "fish hook" and what I got back was this thread;

"I was wondering whether BJJ loses some of its effectiveness when outside of competitions were there are no rules.
When a BJJ fighter fights he will most likely want to get close and this opens up the options of biting, eye gouging, attacking the groin, downward elbows strikes, throat strikes, fish hooking, clawing the face and back of the head strikes. (which will be less easy to pull off from striking range)

I’m not saying it doesn’t work at all, but I was just wondering whether it is less effective when there are less rules."

As you can see this thread has nothing to do with "fish hook" but it has "fish hooking" in the content. The problem is not being able to drill down further than the main category. The use of specific keyword phrases will reduce the amount of off topic posts.

The replies for each forum category can be limited to as few as 3 and as many as 100.

Not only does your post count rise, your view count rises also. This makes your forum look active.

The key is to get HUMAN users to sign up for the forum and an empty forum will get very few people to sign up.

The costs are as follows in USD: Payments are via PayPal

Copper Package - 5,000 posts - $99.00 Click here to buy

Silver Package - 12,000 posts - $199.00 Click here to buy

Gold Package - 20,000 posts - $299.00 Click here to buy

Monthly Subscription - $129.00 Click here to subscribe

You will be required to upload 2 soap agent files to your hosting server and I will need an administrator login for this to work. To stop the posting you can remove the files or change the login at that time. The only other thing that I would need from you is your Category Name (i.e. Obedience Training and it is case sensitive) and the keyword(s) you want to target in that forum.

This service was born out of my own needs and I searched for days to find something that worked as well and I could not find it. Everything also pulled data from Yahoo Answers. You can get the same software but then there is your time and the learning curve to consider. At less than $.02 per post, you won't find a better deal.

What about some samples of the work?
Got you covered on that one with 2 test forums.

Simple Machines Forum Sample
phpBB Forum Sample

Sorry but I will NOT reveal the forums of my customers. You will have to ask them if they wish to share.

I am going to give 2 reviews of 50% off any package except monthly. Must have 200 posts and 10 iTrader just like the rules say. I feel that the samples provided are a good indication of the type of work this service provides.

I will be selling this also on BHW but it has not been approved at this time.

Email - tnphoneman @
Skype - tnphoneman

I saw on another post that you have used this software on your own new forum, can you please share that link or pm it to me so I can see this service in action. I love the sound of it, just want to see how it looks.

Also will this work on a forum that is all ready live and running for several years, but needs some new content added to it?

I saw on another post that you have used this software on your own new forum, can you please share that link or pm it to me so I can see this service in action. I love the sound of it, just want to see how it looks.

Also will this work on a forum that is all ready live and running for several years, but needs some new content added to it?


There are 2 sample forums listed in the original thread. One is a SMF and the other is a phpBB forum. Just click on the link and it will take you there. I had these set for 1 minute delay for posting so it filled up pretty fast.

Yes this will work on existing forums. It will pull the questions and start new threads and add new users.

I have been asked before about IP address of the posts. The answer is there is no IP address assigned to the user at all. I have attached 2 screen shots, one of a real user and the other of a user created by the service.


  • FakeUserSMF.jpg
    33.9 KB · Views: 25
  • RealUserSMF.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 15
Do you have your own method or are you using a software like Auto Forum Poster? That software didn't product the greatest results...
Do you have your own method or are you using a software like Auto Forum Poster? That software didn't product the greatest results...

Yes I do use a software like that but the output is only as good as the input. Take a look at the SMF forum sample

There is some very good and very relevant content on there. I purposely made a bad example in the "Hunting Dogs" category. When you use the "and" in your searches, that is when you get the off topic content. For example, if I use "hunting dogs" it will give me everything with that exact phrase. On the other hand if I use "hunting" and "dogs" it will give me every thing with both of those words any where in the topic.

It is all a matter of input and knowing how to manipulate the software to fit your needs. You will still get a few off topic threads like in my example in the original post. That is not a limit of the software but rather Yahoo Answers.
No, I wrote what I meant. It is 5,000 posts. You will have threads with 0 posts while another thread is is 20 posts long. It varies depending on what is on Yahoo. Heck there may not be 5,000 questions on a topic.
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