Google's playing mind gamez with EU

Well, the EU news media deserved that.

They was laughing their ass off about google that they had to remove links.
I mean, what they expect? The court said people have the absolut right to call google and demand to remove links
and google have to do it because they had to do it. No court involved, no real defined rule set, nothing.
Google is doing what the EU court told them to do. Hell, wait until the SEO's find out to fake it.
There are tons of ways to fake ID copies when they are not proofed.

All the articles i read the last weeks was more or less some google bashing.

Which is absolut stupid - because the original target of the guy which had won on court was NOT google but an old news like article.
But the courts denied that the original site had to remove the article.
So he was going simply for the next target -google. And that he won that was a big big surprise. Even the state's attorney there was warning to do it.
No one had an idea why the court was deciding against their own experts.

I think the news papers simply not understood what the effect is and they absolutly underestimated the speed google was this installing and the mass of people going for it.

They missed to line up with google against somthing which never had google as target but themself. No idea why the believed google will have a real problem with it. Ok, it costs them work and money but its not a big thing for google.

The SERP quality will give a shit on it like they did with DMCA. If you hit some DMCA war phrases you will see sometimes more removed as shown results. But it does not matter much. For most bigger sites google will show deep pages instead of the removed even on page 1. And at last me is clicking more as the first results when i see we have alot removed links for the search key.

And that google now plays the game a bit dirty too... What they expected?
I wonder what the EU news media are doing now.
That will be funny i think.