Google's new secret weapon

Nah, not that worried. This means that, in 5 years, my new PC will have quantum computing capabilities--pretty excited.
In before "how to rank #1 for payday loan using a woman's voice"
Google wants to use the facility at Nasa's Ames Research Center in California to find out how quantum computing might advance techniques of machine learning and artificial intelligence, including voice recognition.

Gee whiz,i wonder who pays for this research center?,d.eWU&fp=1e8c6f387dd6af43&biw=1366&bih=667


Google is about to give BIRTH to......... SKYNET!!!!!!

SEO ain't's EVOLVING to the next level!!!

Does this mean instead of being #87 for my main keyword I will be both #87 and #61 at the same time and neither #87 nor #61 either?

Does it ever seem to anyone that Google has a bad case of shiny object syndrome? Yes, brilliant but also running in 5000 directions at breakneck speed... Check it:

google's philosophy is that if even if most products fail there will still be the few successes that will gain mainstream use such as gmail or adsense, and this will be enough to cover the losses.