Google's Mobile Problems

PS: From my point of view, I also notice increasingly high % of mobile users, but I didn't see conversions dropping at all
More reasons:
- so far you probably have an average younger demo than computers
- different mindframe, I know that I research serious stuff on computer and waste time on phone
- less trust.. less people that are prepared to pull out their CC
- still a lot of dumb phones browsing the net that are harder to complete complex tasks like filling out long forms
More reasons:
- so far you probably have an average younger demo than computers
- different mindframe, I know that I research serious stuff on computer and waste time on phone
- less trust.. less people that are prepared to pull out their CC
- still a lot of dumb phones browsing the net that are harder to complete complex tasks like filling out long forms

Well, sounds like mobile kills the internet ;)
I agree with your points, it makes sense. So that's why nobody is bidding high on mobile ads.
But do you guys really experience lower conversions from mobile users?
As I said, personally I don't, so I don't understand this whole dilemma.
I haven't ran too much mobile so I can't say. Those are just things that make sense to me.
I don't run mobile traffic, but agree with Jose.

To me it seems like people's engadgment on a cell phone is waaay lower than somebody on a computer.
What do you guys mean by you don't run mobile traffic?
Aren't you seeing any mobile agents in your logs at all?
I don't think I've ever been on a site on my mobile and clicked an advert. If im on my device browser, I'm looking for something specific not killing time like I do on my notebook or desktop - I have apps for killing time.
The main issue is revenue and market reach. Mobile will overshadow desktop in next 2-3 years where Apple controls the tablet market and Google has huge chunk of the phone market.

However, everyone knows Android users are worthless. They don't like to spend money. Most of the people are just looking for free stuff. On the other hand, Apple owns affluent demo, these guys are the real spenders. The issue is apple will continue to keep google out of their product line (e.g maps) and might as well come out with their own way of doing search (maybe bing or advance SIRI). This means google will lose all the desktop market eventually and their mobile userbase is not worth much.

Advertisers on the other hand haven't seen the mobile opportunity yet. However, it will explode in the next 2-3 years but google won't be able to get the piece of pie becoz their userbase sucks. Most advertisers would end up spending more on Apple than Google, coz everyone think its where the money is.
Apple users paying $500+ for a device think nothing of dropping a few bucks for "content", and Apple makes it hard for the average user to pirate apps.

Android users are driven by least common denominator, cheapest phone for the specs, don't want to pay $0.99 for anything, very likely to pirate something rather than support the developer. Driving developers towards "in app purchases" so even pirated copies don't get access to the content without buying it.

Google app store is lightyears behind Apple, itunes, etc. while Google play sucks.

As far as ad traffic I could see some types being great, like downloadable "coupons", directions, etc while the normal desktop traffic is pretty worthless on a phone, filling out forms, reading lengthy pitches, etc on a 3x5" screen.
Apple users paying $500+ for a device think nothing of dropping a few bucks for "content", and Apple makes it hard for the average user to pirate apps.

Android users are driven by least common denominator, cheapest phone for the specs, don't want to pay $0.99 for anything, very likely to pirate something rather than support the developer. Driving developers towards "in app purchases" so even pirated copies don't get access to the content without buying it.

Google app store is lightyears behind Apple, itunes, etc. while Google play sucks.

As far as ad traffic I could see some types being great, like downloadable "coupons", directions, etc while the normal desktop traffic is pretty worthless on a phone, filling out forms, reading lengthy pitches, etc on a 3x5" screen.

Actually, Tablets would replace desktops/laptops/netbooks not the mobile phone in reality. Apple will continue to dominate this space especially with the new ipad mini.

The Only thing thats holding android "fanboys" is the price. They don't want to admit that they dont want to pay $600-700 for a iPad so they eventually settle for a cheap ass plastic tablets and call it awesome.

Once the pricing factor is sidelined, these fanboys would jizzing in their pants for iPad mini