Google's Major Pagerank Update Underway Today :D


W00t :D
Oct 22, 2009
I don't know if you guys even care but this is something that was totally unexpected so soon. The visual Pagerank has been updated by Google officially. Seems like this is the last PR update before the integration and launch of Caffeine. The PR of one of my sites has risen from PR1 - PR2, am yet to check all my other sites for the PR changes.
:banana_sml: <--*Knows that this smiley annoys you'll* :party-smiley-004:

I don't know if you guys even care but this is something that was totally unexpected so soon. The visual Pagerank has been updated by Google officially. Seems like this is the last PR update before the integration and launch of Caffeine. The PR of one of my sites has risen from PR1 - PR2, am yet to check all my other sites for the PR changes.
:banana_sml: <--*Knows that this smiley annoys you'll* :party-smiley-004:
Wicked Noob its actually called Toolbar Page Rank, congrats regardless on your updated PR
Wicked Noob its actually called Toolbar Page Rank,

Yeah same thing.
Google actually updates pagerank on a regular basis but it is visible to the public only after the 'update' which happens every 2-4 months :costumed-smiley-087
That is why i called it 'visual pagerank'. :smilie_weihn_winki:
Yeah same thing.
Google actually updates pagerank on a regular basis but it is visible to the public only after the 'update' which happens every 2-4 months :costumed-smiley-087
That is why i called it 'visual pagerank'. :smilie_weihn_winki:
I noticed no difference at all :(
Wow this is amazing... who gives a shit about Google's magical pagerank which does nothing beneficial except sucker in dumb link buyers.

Wow this is amazing... who gives a shit about Google's magical pagerank which does nothing beneficial except sucker in dumb link buyers.

I do give a shit. Good luck ranking with 1000 pr0 page backlinks from low pr domains.

lol pr lol