Google's Free Hands-On Consultation


New member
May 17, 2009
East Coast and Mid West
just got this email,
seems good for all the newbies out there, but its a pretty bold move considering they will have to have quite the staff to fulfill the demand.

but then again, the bid prices that they will use could be a bit askew...

Dear customer,

A while back you created an AdWords account (account number: xxx-xxx-xxxx), but your account has not been activated yet.

Are you still interested in advertising on Google? If yes, we're here to help:
Get a free individual consultation: Talk to one of our experts and get tips on how AdWords can help you achieve your advertising goals.
We do the work for you: Our specialists can create your first campaign entirely for you to help you get off to the best start possible - all free of charge. In other words, we will set up proper regional targeting, suggest budget settings, write compelling ad texts and select keywords that help you reach just your target audience - all tailored to your business needs and objectives.
Help us provide you with personalized tips and support with the creation of your first campaign: please click here to request a free consultation
or call us now: +1-877-721-1739 *


Your Google AdWords team

They have been doing this for years. I did this 2 years ago and their keywords and ads were terrible. I ended up redoing everything.
Yeah, Haryana the adwords genius is sitting in a 1m^2 cubicle earning a piddly salary just waiting to set up a campaign you will bank on.
I got this email awhile back, but it was the whole, "you're now eligible for a private consultation with a google adwords rep." I've had my account for years now - just stopped running a campaign, and they sent me that. Weird, eh?