Google's Answer to Facebook's Like Button?


The man aus Deutschland
Apr 2, 2007
Nearly a year after Facebook Like buttons spread out across the web, Google has announced its own rival, the +1 button. It launches today as part of Google’s search engine, allowing you to “+1″ the search results and ads that you like. And in a few months, it’ll be arriving at a web site near you.

Is +1 (pronounced “Plus One”) part of the new social network that Google’s long been rumored to be building? Or is +1 simply that “social layer” that Google has said would come and isn’t really meant as a rival to Facebook?

Meet +1: Google’s Answer To The Facebook Like Button

Well a little late to the party and when people see it they wont have any idea what the hell +1 means. this is going to be a complete flop.
I hope it never takes off, cos that will help us marketers.

likes on google search adds would be a freekin possible PR disaster as well

google has nothing to do with social networking...stick to search and mind your business big G!!!
Some one should make a nut button, you nut and it likes, tweets, +1, Diggs, stumbles, reddits, ect all at once... nut all over your social networks
I can't believe that Google is stupid enough to really think that people won't game the living crap out of this "feature."
so when you +1, does it automatically sync as a "like" to your facebook or other social media? if not, what's the point short of showing your approval to something for that sites particular vistors

-didnt read article btw
Maybe i was drunk that day but didnt google do something like this before? It was a link a little x button and another one that was an arrow that allowed you to promote results for your personal search?

With this new thing if G actually uses the data for global search rankings they will get well and truely gamed. Also im pretty sure the average G user isnt interested, the only stuff that gets facebook likes are stupid videos on youtube.
Of course they are not going to allow +1s to effect their rankings...

In the article it is pretty clear that they're going to offer a SEPERATE SocNet search result... And this will be the driver of that algorithm.

Now the question is; how much traffic could Google's SocNet search results page send? And wouldn't Facebook completely destroy them before they get started up?