Google went over the daily limit...

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
I set a daily limit for a PPC campaign, and Google went over it by 23%. Why did it happen and what should I do?

You know what, nevermind. That link should have been to a live chat with a google rep (it was the last time I clicked on it) but when I really looked at the link I sent you ( after you said you "sent" it) I saw this : "
If you'd like to get help from a chat Specialist, try visiting the Contact Us page and selecting the appropriate category. If we're available, simply click the button labeled Get live help from an AdWords Specialist to initiate a chat (no special software required). If you don't see the button, we're not available to chat at that time. However, we're always available via email, so please feel free to send us your questions using the form provided. We'll be happy to answer your questions."

So maybe they don't work this late or do the weekends?

Sorry I couldn't help
Hey, its no big deal. Thanks for the help though. I'll just pause the campaign 'till I get a reply on Monday/Tuesday.
They do say somewhere that some days you may go over, other days under and that it's all supposed to even out in the end. 23% is pretty high though, I would call them on the [SIZE=-1]1-866-2-Google during business hours PST. Once the rep is done repeating your question for "clarity purposes" they'll promise to "look into it further for you". After which you wait.....and wait
The daily cap it actually spread out on a monthly basis and can go over in a given day, but supposed to cap within a given 24 hours. Seems like they just take advantage when they can. That's why their stock hit $600
Google's rules say that they're allowed to exceed daily budgets by no more than 20% (hey, you may be able to get the 3% back), but that they will not charge you more than your daily limit * number of days in the month. For example, if my daily budget is $100 in a 30 day month, they're allowed to charge up to $120 in a single day, but they're only allowed to charge a max of $3000 for the month. This will either lead to overdelivery that isn't actually charged for (usually only happens on very high volume accounts), or reduced delivery on other days.
yeah they did that to me today

was testing out a few content network keywords, set the limit at $400 and it blew through $600 in a few hours.
Generally when launching a new campaign and set a low daily cap and you are flighted (your daily cap < spending potential), Google tends to go over your cap, sometimes by a good amount. Moving forward to the 2nd day, 3rd day, and so on of running the same campaign with the same daily cap, it will usually spend the amount you set your cap at.

So with your spend exceeding your cap, no big deal. If you are on a budget, then lower your cap the next few days by a few bucks to make back what you spent extra. To avoid this in the future if you really want, don't set your cap as high the first few days of the campaign and test the waters. Chances are you won't get your money back. This happens all the time and Google probably won't have time to talk to you about this long enough to give you a refund - unless your budget is over $20K a week, which I highly doubt.

What sucks is I didn't make a return. However today my campaign seemed to stop short, which I guess is there way of making up for yesterday.
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