Google Webmaster Tools

Yes. It's free and gives you good info. I don't know why people debate over doing it. Google is already tracking your every move, at least sign up for GWT to see some of the data they're collecting!
Does anybody know if it could hurt your serp?

Ummm... how would it do that? You think Google issues a penalty to any website that gets verified for GWT? That's like saying using Adsense on your site, listing a Gmail address on your site, or advertising on Adwords automatically drops your rankings.
I haven't submitted my sites yet, but I can't see any possible SEO harm it could present. If your site doesn't use any techniques that Google dislikes, it would only be a help in my opinion.
It depends on what you are using the site for. If you have adsense on your site Google already knows you own the site so you might as well. If you are trying to hide the fact that you own a site, then don't add it. It's not going to affect your rankings either way.
. If your site doesn't use any techniques that Google dislikes.
If you are interlinking your own sites then I'd suggest using getclicky instead, but if youre not doing interlinking it's not going to hurt you and it gives you tons of great info.
Its good to submit your website to Google webmaster... it helps in fastening your indexing speed. Moreover, it gives you brief report about error on your website which may hinder in website crawling.