Google Trends Question

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good douche!
Aug 18, 2008
Hi guys quick question... It's almost shocking I just realized Google trends exists last November and I basically never cared about using it... How can you possibly use it to benefit your campaigns? I mean I tried it today, do a trends for UK and found out facebook is the most searched term there, so I picked an offer related to it... But then in my entire life I have never checked the Google network and its dumb search partners. It makes me think then Google trends researching is useless because I did rely on the content ntwork anyway...

Or maybe what you can say?or explain?

So, you're not joking about this? You're talking about this page, right: Google Trends: Jan 30, 2009

Generally, the newer the niche (or key phrase), the less competition there will be in a "bidding war."

Also, can be helpful when doing media buys. You might want to know an offer is going to have the most interest.

Honestly, there are so many other purposes to it. There are whole marketing companies/divisions that solely focus on analyzing trends.
Ah Ok that makes sense to me... I haven't done media buys yet but it can be profitable too with payper click right? especially in the content network only? Anyhow thanks for responding
What is that about the warning they have? "several approximations are used when computing these results", how do they exactly do an approximations on number of searches?
As they say it provides broad search patterns. It is based upon just a portion of our searches, and several approximations are used when computing results.
Basically, Google Trends tell you what most people are searching for lately. But I find that it changes too fast.

You can use the keywords in Google Trend and build webpages monetizing with Google Adsense.

You need to combine it with a Keyword Research tool.

Check out the daily search volume for the keywords. If there is at least 100, you can build a few pages around the keywords. Get some social bookmarks link to push your ranking up.

Once you get your website in Page 1 or 2, you should see some good money coming in.

This only works for keywords with reasonable number of searches and your webpage need to be visible in Google
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