Google Trends & Kiddy Porn


New member
Nov 22, 2009
I thought it was quite interesting that Google Insights provides information on the latest trends in kiddy porn.

If some TMZ styled journo wanted a good piece on google, it could have a field day with this.


I'd be afraid to even look up those stats.
They've probably already added you to some FBI & Interpol database.
Nah, there are genuine reasons for some of the searches (child porn might be news related) but the rising searches and top searches are a worry.

I knew those sheep fuckers from NZ were up to other stuff.
Am I the only one who thinks its regional interest is only based on English native speakers + broadband penetration?
It's hard to believe that anyone with net access anywhere at all could be so stupid as to literally search for kid porn in a search engine... How can there be such a high volume?

Are these nutjobs searching through Tor or something? Man that's freaky.
How can there be such a high volume?

Are these nutjobs searching through Tor or something? Man that's freaky.

Insights volume is relative so you can't deduce that it is high just from that graph. It just shows it trended down but that could mean a small amount of searches getting even smaller. Would need to overlay it with regular porn searches though for comparison.

But with that amount of detail geo wise suggests it's probably somewhat substantial.