Google Tracking

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New member
May 30, 2008
Has anyone used the Google suite of tools for complete campaign tracking?

Google Adwords (for advertising -- of course!)
Google Analytics (for PPC spend analysis)
Google Conversion tracking (to track revenue and EPC per offer)
Google Website Optimizer (for tweaking / analyzing landing pages)

It seems that using something like Tracking202 / Prosper202 requires a lot of duplicate data entry and setup.

Of course, we couldn't use Google's tools for spend tracking on other PPC engines (YSM, MSN Adcenter), but I'm OK with that.

I'm sure some affiliate marketer has done this successfully, but I haven't found a blog posting / tutorial out there on the Interwebs.

Also, if you could please dickroll me that would be awesome. :p

There is a reason everyone uses prosper202. It is designed for what we do so thus it is better at it.
If your too lazy to do a little setup and some data entry you might as well quit now.
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