Google thinks i'm retarded


New member
Oct 16, 2010
So since when do arrogant google folks act as though they are smart enough to not even prompt me "hey you dumb user, did you mean this or that"?


how about somebody wants to promote some coolness. or this underestimation of human iq and neglect for real searching needs is fight for better user experience for them?
google if you read this. don't judge by yourself, this is beyond retarded what you are 'improving'. i do really want to see 'oranja' results bitch

yeah 'ge' and 'ja' are so far apart on the keyboard that it's insane how 'improved' their search user experience has become
Probably not a great idea to use a common misspelling for your brand building efforts.
I'd give Google another 3-5 years of existence if they weren't on the gov't dole.

Arrogance + aspergers = corporate death recipe.

These dolts would re-invent the wheel as a figure 8 if you'd let them.
I'd give Google another 3-5 years of existence if they weren't on the gov't dole.

Arrogance + aspergers = corporate death recipe.

These dolts would re-invent the wheel as a figure 8 if you'd let them.

Don't think so. Look at the recent trends:

So since when do arrogant google folks act as though they are smart enough to not even prompt me "hey you dumb user, did you mean this or that"?

how about somebody wants to promote some coolness. or this underestimation of human iq and neglect for real searching needs is fight for better user experience for them?
google if you read this. don't judge by yourself, this is beyond retarded what you are 'improving'. i do really want to see 'oranja' results bitch

So I just proof-read that, and unfortunately I have to report that I believe that you are seriously fucking retarded as well.

Even if Engrish is your THIRD language, spelling & grammar check are free, mate.

Just sayin.
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