GOOGLE: They are coming after us affiliates

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Superstar DJ!
Oct 5, 2006
Button Moon
Last week Microsoft launch a cashback site and now it looks like Google want to take all our affiliate commisions. Look at this



Google Merchant Search

affiliate marketing is changing every day. If you can't adapt, then your dead in the water and I take all your commissions.
I think there is a difference between us having to adapt, and Google just being a big fucking monopoly.

I've seen them experiment with similiar concepts over the years. They do this for movies:

Movie Showtimes - Google Search

They do this with music:

Google Search: eminem albums

I'm not certain but I'm pretty sure these are affiliate links next to the iTunes and Rhapsody links:

Google Music: Eminem

They do this when you're shopping for cars:

Google Search

I don't really know what to think. Google is a double edged sword.
For a while i noticed for certain health terms, msn was putting up their own content as the 1st result. I checked it again today and its not there, but i think its gonna be more of a trend.
I actually triple-checked the URL. I can't believe people would give their health records to Google. Holy shit.
I actually triple-checked the URL. I can't believe people would give their health records to Google. Holy shit.

People give up more valuable information to companies a lot less reputable than Google every day. I don't understand why this would be hard to believe.
Could you imagine the courts breaking up Google like it did Ma Bell?
Not only can I imagine it, I can see it happening at some point in the future as well.

If it doesn't happen in the US, it will definitely happen in Europe - they fucking hate monopolies.
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