Google takes on Skype


WF Premium Member
Jan 7, 2009
US, unknown
Just logged in to my gmail and it has a new "call phone" feature, calling to US and Canada seems to be free and international rates (at least the places I call to) are way cheaper. Did google just decide to take on Skype? Seems like this can be a successful product for Google if Skype doesn't change the rates...

Do you use Skype? Thoughts?

Fuck, this is awesome. I can always keep a business line and it will ring any and all phones I add to it. This means it will ring my home and mobile phone and I don't have to worry about keeping my existing number.

Do you think Google will offer 1800 numbers to this service? Of course they'd make you pay, but it'd be so nice to just be able to go through Google.
Fuck, this is awesome. I can always keep a business line and it will ring any and all phones I add to it. This means it will ring my home and mobile phone and I don't have to worry about keeping my existing number.

Do you think Google will offer 1800 numbers to this service? Of course they'd make you pay, but it'd be so nice to just be able to go through Google.

i believe youre thinking of Google Voice.

from what i can tell there are 2 different products, google voice being the best but it only works in the use...and it does what youre describing.

the 2nd product is like a replacement for skype where you can initiate calls from your computer, to another computer or a land line. but i cant find any information about actually receiving a call through this way

Google offers free calls to (US) Gmail users: should Skype and telcos worry? | Technology |
Google ain't taking on shit. They have ONE product that makes them money (Adwords) and they're (desperately) trying to bully their way into a million other markets - without much success.
Google ain't taking on shit. They have ONE product that makes them money (Adwords) and they're (desperately) trying to bully their way into a million other markets - without much success.

QFT - Every single project that Google has tried to develop besides adwords has been a flop, including Google wave and now Okurt seems to be next.
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QFT - Every single project that Google has tried to develop besides adwords has been a flop, including Google wave and now Okurt seems to be next.

Not true. You can say the majority of the projects have been a flop, but not all. Gmail was a win and I started to use it right away, from back when it was invite only.
This "phone call" feature is pretty much the only thing I am using a lot from day 1 since gmail came out. However, most of my family/friends are oversees, so I call there quite a bit. :)
It looks slightly cheaper than skype (they have a comparison table on the google voice website) but its not available in france yet, so no luck for me! will post some feedback when i get a chance to try it out!
I tried it out yesterday, really nice!

Google seems to fail with anything "social" however. Facebook must be such a thorn in their side! Facebook ads is definitely hurting Adwords.