google sitelinks


New member
Jun 29, 2008
A police state.
I have a few questions about sitelinks.

For one of my top ranking websites I have four sitelinks. Instead of showing the sitelinks, url title, and description, my site shows 2 word links/titles to popular areas of my site, but doesn't include the description or additional data sitelinks usually have. My first questions is: what can I do to promote the more expansive sitelinks that include more links as well as the page text/description?

Additionally, I'd like to "suggest" to google that it treats specific sections of my site with more authority, with the intent that these sections become sitelinks and replace specific sitelinks I currently have. Right now 2 of my 4 sitelinks are popular sections but not the most relevant to the topic. If I use webmaster tools to suggest to google that they demote specific sitelinks, as is the option, will they replace said sitelink with other relevant site sections? If I use this demote suggestion in webmaster tools do I run the risk of losing my sitelinks altogether? Is there any way to suggest specific sitelinks for google's consideration?

Obviously the long-term answer would be to build authority to the sections of my site I'm targeting. Is there a more simplier or easier strategy?

Additionally, I'd like to "suggest" to google that it treats specific sections of my site with more authority, with the intent that these sections become sitelinks and replace specific sitelinks I currently have. Right now 2 of my 4 sitelinks are popular sections but not the most relevant to the topic. If I use webmaster tools to suggest to google that they demote specific sitelinks, as is the option, will they replace said sitelink with other relevant site sections? If I use this demote suggestion in webmaster tools do I run the risk of losing my sitelinks altogether? Is there any way to suggest specific sitelinks for google's consideration?

Obviously the long-term answer would be to build authority to the sections of my site I'm targeting. Is there a more simplier or easier strategy?

To "suggest" which pages are most important, I think internal linking is the best way to do it. It has worked pretty well for me, but it hasn't been a surefire method. For example, I might get 5 sitelinks I want, then number 6 always ends up being a random page.

I have demoted a lot of sitelinks, and unfortunately, sometimes they get replaced with links that are way worse than what was originally found! So it's hit or miss. And the demotion only applies for a certain length of time. I don't think they'd remove your sitelinks altogether though just based on you using GWT.
Webmasters have very less control over Sitelinks... Though you can specify your sitelinks. The links, which Google thinks is important for your user, will be displayed as sitelinks.