Google Sidewiki Blockage


Cut to Black
Feb 5, 2008
Did anyone happen to figure out a way to block this shit without blocking all the Google toolbar users? I can't code for shit, but I still don't know if it is possible.

The only full workaround I have found so far to block Sidewiki, without blocking the toolbar users is to use SSL, since users cannot post comments on sites served by SSL.

Shitty indeed... but so far, that's the only solution I have found.

Anyone else have any insight?
check the "http_user_agent" for "GTB6"

that means its a user with the "spambar" installed.

redirect them to 'makemoniesonline'.

I suppose that is the lastest verson of Google Toolbar. That would work for now. I am just worried about losing traffic with people that don't use that the sidewiki but have the latest version. I suppose it really won't be a whole lot of people yet. I like the redirect part as well...

Thanks man.
but don't waste your clicks redirecting them to MMO. Redirect them to a RON offer like smileycentral.



what he said.

Anyone dumb enough to install a spyware app from Greedle is obviously dumb enough to buy smileys. maybe popunder a timeshare offer as well, or some weightloss pill crap.
Think I'm going to find the best penis-widening homeopathic potion to redirect to. Water really works you know!