Google shows 1 backlink, Yahoo 976 - why?


IM Knowledge Seeker
Sep 17, 2009

I'm just getting started with learning and applying SEO and I'm trying to figure out why Google is only showing 1 backlink to my site yet Yahoo is showing 976?


Blacklisted/Sandboxed by Google?

Google's backlink checker is extremely inaccurate. I wouldn't bother trying to get any valuable info on your backlinks through them.

Yahoo is more accurate, and this is the same with most sites. It doesn't necessarily mean you're sandboxed. Check to see if your still indexed.
I agree with Matt, you should just ignore whatever Google says it has stored as backlinks. They certainly take way more into account than what they show. Personally, I have found to be the most accurate and its the backlink checker I use most often. It is based on Yahoo's findings.

I'm just getting started with learning and applying SEO and I'm trying to figure out why Google is only showing 1 backlink to my site yet Yahoo is showing 976?


Blacklisted/Sandboxed by Google?

Google is on record as saying that they do not show the links on purpose. The reason they give is so other site owners can not find all you links and reverse engineer them. I also believe they do it to help keep site owners from gaming the algorithms more easily. I think this because they do not even show all your links in the webmaster tools where other site owners can not see your links. It does make sense because if you knew exactly what links Google had and when they indexed them it would be easier to figure out exactly how much each link helped your site.