Google search box in SERPS result?


New member
May 28, 2009
When did Google start doing this? I don't think I've seen it before today:


Official Google Blog: Search within a site: A tale of teleportation

... So over the past few days we have been testing, and today we have fully rolled out, a search box that appears within some of the search results themselves. This feature will now occur when we detect a high probability that a user wants more refined search results within a specific site. Like the rest of our snippets, the sites that display the site search box are chosen algorithmically based on metrics that measure how useful the search box is to users.

We hope that you will make use of the site search box in order to get the information you're looking for as quickly and easily as possible.

They've been doing it a long ass time. I noticed the first time when searching for wikipedia over a year ago.
I saw that search box for the first time the other day. I'm still trying to figure out how to get the l5 star ratings showing before the title like CNet always gets.
