Google says "Click your competitors ads"

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1. The rep doesn't say "Read Between the Lines"
2. Have you actually used adwords? Have you never have you never used a display URL that wasn't the destination url? Obviously savvy people (if you took the time) could copy and the destination URL into notepad to try and find the landing page, but that's just too much effort...
nice way to spam us your blog... :p

Real sexy btw

I'm sorry, I don't see the point of this thread. If you're saying we shouldn't click on competators ads...I agree. It's shady and dishonest and I don't like it and don't want to be that guy (gal). So I do the cut and pasting thing. However, if your saying we shouldn't even do that, well that's just stupid. I'm going to see what your doing and then I'm going to do it better.
1. The rep doesn't say "Read Between the Lines"

The rep also doesn't say "click your competitors ads" so... touche.

And yes I use adwords across multiple sites. I copy/paste the url or I visit the display url. A rare click won't kill anybody but cmon...

Essentially, the Adwords rep said to look at your competitors' sites to see what they are doing. It's great advice. Insinuating they are encouraging click fraud is kind of skating on thin ice... don't you think?
Clicking your competitors ads only helps them really.
Thank you, I'm trying to figure out just how many adwords novices are actually here in WF just by reading this thread, people are just missing the big picture.

Come on people, I've got this shit mastered within 4 months...
I'm sorry, I don't see the point of this thread. If you're saying we shouldn't click on competators ads...I agree. It's shady and dishonest and I don't like it and don't want to be that guy (gal). So I do the cut and pasting thing. However, if your saying we shouldn't even do that, well that's just stupid. I'm going to see what your doing and then I'm going to do it better.

I don't think you understand his post or blog.
And if I'm a small time advertiser, it's not? If anything, it should be the other way round. Oh and of course it's not fraud.

why not? I don't want to pay extra advertising costs because someone on the google team could not explain the copy and paste procedure when checking competition.

Google is so hard on it's adsense publishers when it comes to clickfraud, why should clickfraud be any different for Google Search ?

Fuck that, I seen publishers get banned from adsense for less.
nah.. I guess it's okay.

Click fraud ain't really a big problem..
Only a tiny-weeny percentage of clicks are click frauds.

(Or so I've heard)

Yeah that was from my wedding day, so I was a little sexier than usual.

Seriously though, I think some people here are missing the point of the the post. I'm basically saying that, while we all know it goes on, it's pretty outrageous for Google to tell you to do it.

We've all done it. Here's an example.

Let's say your name is Digital. Digital Point. And you want to create a high quality landing page for the search terms "gay affiliate forum". Before you start your campaign, you search on that term to see what the competition looks like...

Lo and behold, a Website by the name of WickedFire is the top adwords position for Gay Affiliate Forum... so you click through to this site to see what it's all about, and how to create a landing page to effectively compete in this space.

So, without any intention on signing up for the product/service, you just cost WickedFire $1.00 (or whatever) so you could see their content. You dont' give a shit because you're the competition. And Jon doesn't give a shit, beacuse, he makes millions off of gay affiliate forums or whatever. But if you're a small publisher, every click counts.

So you log into your adwords account, and you're like awesome, I got 40 clicks today! Rock on... But you had zero conversions. Of those 40 clicks, you have absolutely no idea how many of them were potential customers that just didn't like your product, or how many were competitors looking at your landing page.

I dunno... for the time being, it's just an inconvenient fact of doing paid search (which is part of the reason that 80% of my efforts to go organic) but I guess it is what it is...
Yeah that was from my wedding day, so I was a little sexier than usual.

Seriously though, I think some people here are missing the point of the the post. I'm basically saying that, while we all know it goes on, it's pretty outrageous for Google to tell you to do it.

We've all done it. Here's an example.

Let's say your name is Digital. Digital Point. And you want to create a high quality landing page for the search terms "gay affiliate forum". Before you start your campaign, you search on that term to see what the competition looks like...

Lo and behold, a Website by the name of WickedFire is the top adwords position for Gay Affiliate Forum... so you click through to this site to see what it's all about, and how to create a landing page to effectively compete in this space.

So, without any intention on signing up for the product/service, you just cost WickedFire $1.00 (or whatever) so you could see their content. You dont' give a shit because you're the competition. And Jon doesn't give a shit, beacuse, he makes millions off of gay affiliate forums or whatever. But if you're a small publisher, every click counts.

So you log into your adwords account, and you're like awesome, I got 40 clicks today! Rock on... But you had zero conversions. Of those 40 clicks, you have absolutely no idea how many of them were potential customers that just didn't like your product, or how many were competitors looking at your landing page.

I dunno... for the time being, it's just an inconvenient fact of doing paid search (which is part of the reason that 80% of my efforts to go organic) but I guess it is what it is...

agreed. Google shouldn't have even said about clicking on other people's ads (though that guy only implied the statement, not blatantly say it).

but, if that's the reason why you don't put much effort into ppc.. Then you're seriously losing out. Click frauds ain't really a big problem.
but, if that's the reason why you don't put much effort into ppc.. Then you're seriously losing out. Click frauds ain't really a big problem.

No, it's a HUGE problem, but it's everyone's problem equally, so it all works out in the end.

I've spent a lot of time chatting & working with Click Forensics over the years... Figure about 15% of your adspend is blown on click fraud. The beauty is that the 15% is taken EVERYWHERE so the conversions & bid values decline in turn.
Whipdeefuckindoo. You blew this right out of proportion. You're paying for people to visit your site, and you're getting it, even if they're not doing exactly what you would like, it ain't fraud.
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