Google Rolls Out Google TV Website


New member
Dec 15, 2009
Check this out guys. We all need to be thinking about ways to monetize this.

Before the set-top box wars become a two-product competition between Apple TV and Roku, Google wants to remind consumers that there's a third option coming out. Google has just launched the
 [URL=""]Google TV site[/URL]
, an attractively sleek space that takes readers on a virtual walk-through of the upcoming platform.

Judging by the site, Google knows that the advanced features of Google TV are both an asset and a liability. While the platform will allow viewers to do more than a Roku device or the Apple TV, there's a chance that buyers will reject it simply because it looks too complicated.

The site highlights a few key features that will separate Google TV from it's competition. The service will allow people to combine TV and online experiences, easily searching out online programs, for example, or letting people use social networks while browsing a show. Google TV will also offer apps at launch. While it's widely rumored that the Apple TV will eventually have apps, it didn't offer that feature at launch. Above all, the Google TV site aims to make the platform's advanced features look easy.

Buyers will be able to experience Google TV by buying a "smart TV" from Sony or the Logitech Revue set-top box, the site explains. While neither product is available yet, people can sign up to be notified when they are.
Besides launching the site, Google has announced programming partners that will stream to Google TV. CNBC will offer a real-time stock app, while HBO will offer access to HBO Go for subscribers. Netflix Watch Instantly will also be supported. A handful of cable networks are optimizing their sites for easy viewing on Google TV. Conspicuously missing from the list are any major networks.

Along with the upcoming Boxee Box, that makes four high-profile set-top boxes that either have launched or will launch this holiday season. While the Google TV will undoubtedly do more than the competition and Apple has built a large and eager fan base, buyers have shown an extreme sensitivity to price in this category. We expect little Roku to have an especially joyous holiday season.


Hi Friend

I'm Google.

Guess what? I'm your friend and I'm not evil, scouts honour.

I hope that you have search history turned on because it helps you use me. Yes I know I'm Google and I hold that information, but it's meaningless. Remember, everything I do, I do for you.

Today I have followed you using Google Analytics across thousands of sites, but don't worry, those sites that didn't have Analytics often had AdSense so we tracked you there without a problem. I know how much you like this and how much it helps, so I now link this data to your Facebook account (as we're allowed access to your data), this enables us to know exactly who you are and correct the demographic data we hold on you, as you made it up in your Gmail account. (Cheeky scamp! ;) )

What? You're uneasy about that? Pah, don't worry, it's better for everyone. I also then tie your Gmail account and Facebook, along with your surfing habits against your Search History. Yes, even if you turn our incredibly helpful search history off I still save everything just in case. It's fine though, remember, I'm not evil, I should know, I say it to myself over and over and over again and eventually I'll believe it. It's a gentle reminder to me and a fact to you.

It's all good though, because even better, many people now use Chrome, this helps you alot because it's Helpware. Helpware is like Spyware, but instead of spying and being evil it helps and does good.

It monitors and saves everything you do, again tying it to the aforementioned data, allowing better ads and helps you in more ways than you could possibly understand. Hence Helpware.

I also own android don't you know? Yeah, great isn't it? I can tie everything to your mobile, along with your number, how helpful is that huh? Soon we're bringing out TV, this will help tie all your internet history, email and mobile phone use in nicely with your television habits. This means again I can help you get the ads you deserve. You should be grateful I'm such a nice company.

I'm soon bringing out street security where I plan to install cameras on the corner of every street, freely available for checking by all. It saves us driving around taking photos of everyone's houses every year, I can just keep a constant lookout for you. Good huh?

Even better, I hope to bring out home security systems where I supply cheap secuity cameras for every room in your house. This can be accessed from anywhere in the world and I save all footage forever on my servers, which again benefits you.

If you think about it, once I supply broadband and electricty I'll be able to show you anything you've done, ever. Or I can just hand it all over to law enforcement should they request it, which of course is helpful to you.

Forever and sincerely yours

Your caring Google xx
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Haaaaaaahaaaa I'm with you Fiver FUCK GOOGLE!!!! We all need to ban together and throw rocks at the beast :)
Here's some info on this biaatchhh

Since Google TV is now all the rage and on everyone’s mind I thought it might be interesting to take a look at how you as publishers and advertisers can get your products and content into the mix in an optimized way. Many believe that Google TV might push screen convergence beyond its current limits and that means your content could soon be staring back at viewers from their large HD TVs and you need to make the most of that opportunity.
Already places like VEVO, HBO, NetFlix, and the DISH Network are making announcements for Google TV specific user experiences.

VEVO announced that it has built an enhanced user-experience for the Google TV platform. A customized catalog of music programming from VEVO will now be available on-demand or via autoplay though any Google TV device, providing fans the freedom to check out their favorite music videos on the TV screen.

The big question is how to make sure you too are ready for Google TV.
Prioritize to Optimize For Google TV

You need to first make sure that your site and content are ready for the big screen. Well not the really big screen, but the big screen in the home. We all know that you’ve got great content, but will it still look great when it goes from a 25 inch monitor to a 46 inch HD TV? That’s one of the major questions you need to be looking at right now. The Logitech Revue is capable of pushing out 1080p so if you want your content to look its best you need to make sure that it can step up to an HD resolution and still look good.

But there’s more to it than that. You also have to make sure that users can get to the content they want in as few steps as possible. Sure the Logitech Revue will have a keyboard and Logitech is wisely selling the keyboard itself as a separate item that will be compatible with other Google TV devices, but do you really think people will want to tediously type all the time on that large of a screen?

Google suggest you make choices easy for the users and make the actions obvious. Any text you will display will need to be readable at a distance and most TV screens are wider and often display colors differently. It’s also entirely possible that you’ll be dealing with a much larger variation in screen size which will need to be taken into account. Most computer users have monitors 19-24 inches while televisions range from 19 to over 50 inches.

They also suggest that you group content to make it more easily discoverable. Controls should also be located together in one area and keep it all to one form of visual navigation. You want the users to almost be able to navigate your content without having to think about it.

The main interface will probably be a four-direction pad. That means you need to limit the majority of your navigation controls to up down, left and right. Yes some people will use the QWERTY keyboard and some a mouse. But the lowest common denominator is going to be that direction pad which people will use while watching content, lying on the couch, maybe with limited lighting.
Optimizing Resolution – Bigger Could Be Better

Since the TV screens are bigger and you want to have an easy-to-use interface, it means less elements on it. Google states you should design for 1280×720 and 1920×1080 resolutions. With such massive resolutions how will you ever fill all the space? Simple, make the actionable items a bit larger and give them a bit more space around them. This will not only help fill the screen but also help the user navigate and read the items.
Of course those are the full resolutions of TVs but there’s a smaller, TV safe area:

  • 1280×720 resolution. Recommended 1152×648.
  • 1920×1080 resolution. Recommended 1728×972.
Flash Can Take Center Stage With Google TV

Also, Google TV is able to display Flash in HD resolutions (Version 10.1 is supported). But you need to do a little prep work to make sure those videos look good. Google suggests that you encode in h.264 and not use h.263 or VP6. Don’t loop videos and don’t use Flash banners or sidebar ads. If they must be there they suggest you stop them or unload them when the video is watched in full screen. This will certainly help increase performance. Remember, these machines aren’t going to be powerhouses like you’re used to having show your online content. They will be far less powerful than many PCs and will have limited resources available, be sure to remember that. Don’t use parallel streams in your media players as this will also kill performance and could make the videos choppy or jittery. Also remember the Memory limitation on the devices that will be displaying your Flash content and be sure to utilize it as wisely and frugally as you can.
What To Consider When Optimizing Video & Animations

You might think everything is performing fine when you do your tests, but remember, the viewers need to think so as well. Be sure that if something is animated it plays smoothly, etc. Google offers this list of questions for you to consider when creating or optimizing your content for Google TV:

  • Are animations smooth or choppy?
  • Does video content look smooth or choppy?
  • Do audioclips play continuously, or do they pause and resume?
  • Does the window flicker or turn blank during long operations?
  • When you type, does the text input keep up or lag behind?
  • If you click, does something happen immediately, or is there a delay?
  • Do other applications respond poorly when the application is running?

Google better light up that dark fiber because there is no way in hell that the ISP/Cable Co's are going to play nice with this.