Google Product Feed/CPC Conversion Data

Dr. Scientist

New member
Feb 7, 2010
I'm looking for data on Google product feed conversions. For example, I want to know what conversion rates are for certain keywords for certain products. Basically trying to find out potential marketing spend or conversion rates for a new ecommerce startup on Shopify.

No boobs because I'm on nofap. gooby pls

What niche? Search or remarketing? Google Merchant Center feeds can be used for shopping ads for search or display. From my experiences (millions of SKUs in a commodity business) the PLA/Shopping ads are much more price sensitive than running regular text search ads, but they are typically ~20% of the CPC. Then again, you get much less real estate on the comparison page.
I am not sure of where to find data like that, but I hope someone knows as I would like to see that data as well.

"Then again, you get much less real estate on the comparison page." So when running your PLA ads vs. text ads, you get less visibility on the comparison page? Can you explain more? I didn't know that text ads would even show on a shopping comparison page.
Can you give any more data on your business? I am working on some PLA campaigns and any input would be helpful.
What niche? Search or remarketing? Google Merchant Center feeds can be used for shopping ads for search or display. From my experiences (millions of SKUs in a commodity business) the PLA/Shopping ads are much more price sensitive than running regular text search ads, but they are typically ~20% of the CPC. Then again, you get much less real estate on the comparison page.

I'm selling apparel geared towards sports. Doing both search and remarketing.

So essentially the CPC for a Google Product Feed link is 20% of the CPC of a contextual link?