Google Product Ads Beta


New member
Nov 20, 2006

Not sure if this has been discussed before but we all knew this was coming. One more reason Google is clamping down on affiliates...err competitors. I found thumbnails of book covers in the sponsored search results for Barnes and Noble.

Google Product Ads Beta

We are pleased to invite you to participate in an exciting beta program with the Google Affiliate Network to show product ads on Google. Product ads are paid product listings that appear when users search for products on Google. Through participation in the Google Affiliate Network product ads beta program, you can promote your products to users actively searching for your products and pay only when users make a purchase on your site.

This opportunity is a very tangible benefit of the integration of our affiliate platform into Google. Google is constantly experimenting with new features and visuals to improve ad effectiveness and advance the end user experience.
Google product ads will feature product specific information directly in the ad such as price and product image. During the beta program, Google will be testing to identify the most effective ad formats. Google product ads will complement standard text ads on and will run independently during the beta. All reports on the performance of Google product ads can be seen through your Google Affiliate Network account.

The Google product ads beta program relies on your Google Base feed. Minimum pricing is your standard publisher rate, plus the network fee. To maximize your competitiveness among advertisers participating in product ads, you are encouraged to increase the CPA rate for your product ads relationship.
Where would my product appear on Google?
Your product would appear as Sponsored Links on Google when users search for products that match the items in your feed. Beta testing is for US / English.

How much does it cost?
You specify the commission rate for conversions that take place via clicks on Google product ads. Minimum pricing is your standard publisher rate, plus the network fee. To maximize your competitiveness among advertisers participating in product ads, we recommend a higher commission with the Google product ads relationship.

How do I see reports during the beta testing?
Through your Google Affiliate Network account, you will see reports for Google similar to other tracking publisher reports. Please keep in mind that our initial experiments will be limited to a small percentage of traffic until our full launch.

Do product feeds need to be submitted through Google Base?
Yes, these ads use information from your Google Base product feed. Google Affiliate Network is integrating with Google Base to create product ads with trackable product links.

How do these ads compare with free product listings via Google Base?
Product ads appear as a Sponsored Links on the page and Google will use a variety of prominent placements and additional display options to optimize and drive targeted traffic to your product ads. You pay only for qualified conversions that take place through Google product ads. Product listings that appear in the search results will continue to be free.

How do these ads different from AdWords text ads?
Product ads represent individual offers with product information directly in the ad itself. Unlike keyword targeted text ads, product ads appear when the user’s query matches information provided in your product feed. During the beta, product ads are shown independently from text ads.

Can I add keywords to my ads?
No. Google categorizes and matches the items from your product feed to the user’s search query for you. Please make sure your product information is complete and accurate in your product feed to Google Base.

How are these ads ranked?
Ad Rank = Commission × Quality Score. The quality score takes into account the relevance of your product to the user’s query, conversion rate of the query and the matched product ad on Google, your account history, and other relevant factors.

To maximize your competitiveness among advertisers participating in product ads, you are encouraged to increase the CPA rate for your product ads relationship.
Someday Google will die! Like Ebay is dying atm. Both deserve it.

User experience my ass... it's all about shareholder experience... err value.
agree with phrench. I'm now actively assisting in the creation of several 'googlefucker' tools. make those 'serps' useless. or worse than useless.

Someday Google will die! Like Ebay is dying atm. Both deserve it.

User experience my ass... it's all about shareholder experience... err value.

damn, if google dies, 99% of our clients will think the whole internet died.
damn, if google dies, 99% of our clients will think the whole internet died.

then, they will hear about 'that google-like search engine' (e.g., Bing) and they'll transition to it.

as simple as that. (not)
Someday Google will die! Like Ebay is dying atm. Both deserve it.

User experience my ass... it's all about shareholder experience... err value.


So eBay creates a better user experience to encourage people to buy. People find what they want easier, and the company makes more money. Sounds like a win-win to me.

And, I never understood this contempt for shareholders.

So eBay creates a better user experience to encourage people to buy. People find what they want easier, and the company makes more money. Sounds like a win-win to me.

And, I never understood this contempt for shareholders.

Except eBay abandoned their core business and now they are on the brink of bankruptcy. They aren't making more money, their losing it.

When a company puts shareholders interests above their customers interests shareholders ultimately lose in the long run.
Someday Google will die! Like Ebay is dying atm. Both deserve it.

User experience my ass... it's all about shareholder experience... err value.

yeah google should just let us use all of their technologies ad free and take a huge loss every year and let bing and yahoo catch back up that would be fair. they should stop trying to make money and expand as a business.

google understands the correlation between user experience and shareholders pretty fucking well i think. i'm not a google fanboy, i disagree with a small handful of their business practices, but lets be honest, they have had a positive influence on technology.
Sad fact is everyone loves Google outside AM. The android crackdown may be a clue to the 'general public'. Even if the fall is underway it will take a very long time for something so big to go away. Hell look at the roman empire cracks appeared centuries before :(