Google, One Crazy Creature

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New member
Mar 28, 2007
Don't know to laugh or to cry, but here's my short story.
Have a site ranking for a popular keyword. The highest ranking it ever had was #6 spot in google. I've heard about all the flactuations with google, but how come that after ranking #6 it then goes to spot #366?!!!!!! And the pattern repeats for about 12 months now. 20 days top 10, 10 day hell knows where...

2 days ago, my site eventually came back to top 10 and the sales started pouring in. 4 Hours ago it lost it again, back to 3xx position.
5 minutes ago, back to top #10
Google, you are feckin' crazy fooker!!! :music06:

......... etc....
Google, you are feckin' crazy fooker!!! :music06:

Just wondering, are you changing the site around continuously, you know, optimizing text on the pages, adding and deleting content etc. - or is it literally the same site, same content the entire time ?
The site is over a year old now, it's a wp blog, adding a new content 1-2 times a week with some external images links, embed videos etc. Hand written content, a few inbound links.
What is strange, to put it in top 10, I presume google likes it, but then, why is this sort of wierd behavour?


Your problem is actually pretty normal. I'm trying to troubleshoot why some of my sites are doing this right now ... it's difficult to do with a site 1.5+ years old as there are many variables that are way outside of my control.

I've found that when I'm ranking high, I picked up a bunch (100-500) of good links 3-5 weeks before. Then my incoming link amounts go back to normal scale (25/week) and my rankings fluctuate.

My problem is that I don't build the links, they happen naturally so if I artificially inflate my number on a weekly basis, I'm stuck trying to get a higher volume indefinitely ... more work is not really what I want in this situation, just the high rankings.

I'm interested to hear if someone has an opinion based on case studies so I'm subscribing here. good luck
I've observed two bizarre occurances, most recently I got thousands of clicks on a really seo-lacking site with no backlinks from page 1 for about 12 hours for a relatively saturated keyword.

The other was some odd behavior by googlebot that indicates it might be getting better at javascript and iframes, potentially bad news for certain link cloaking, bot blocking and third party content techniques.
ive had some weird stuff happen lately. Rankings boosted for 1 keyword 1000% after new years , then it slowly died off.
I think i read that there was a new years update
Site is gone again, exactly around 10pm uk time, just as yesterday.
Time to buy some links, I guess...
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