Google Offering Adwords Account Management Team

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New member
Mar 1, 2009
So this morning I got this email:

Hi xxxxxxx,

Hope you are doing well.

My name is xxxxxxxx and I work with the team of AdWords Specialists that looks after AdWords clients in North America.

Based on your AdWords advertising history and performance, I am pleased to let you know I would be working with you over a period of 90 days to optimize and improve your advertising performance. This is a free outreach program we're doing to add value to your investment in Google.

In order for me to best help you, please answer the question below to give me a better understanding of your business goals.

1. Would you like our team to work with you?
• Yes
• No

2. What is your primary advertising goal?
• Branding
• Traffic
• Conversions
• Other (please specify)

xxxxxxxxxxx, feel free to add any other information that you think is useful for me to know. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Have a great year ahead.

Best Regards,

The Google AdWords Team
Should I avoid this like the plague? Or can they help me?

100% agree. unless you're really inept and unable to run your own campaigns i'd stay away from them all i could.
I didn't get this offer from Adwords, but this past week I got an email followed by a call explaining that I now have a dedicated account rep.

Has anyone found that having a dedicated rep at Adwords to be a bad thing? You would think being an affiliate marketer, it's best to kind of stay under the radar, but my Rep was actually very cool about AM stuff, saying if he see's any issues he'll make sure he speaks to me first, etc.
Thanks for the feedback - exactly what I figured. Doesn't hurt to ask the experts though.

Oddly enough, on of my Content Networks campaigns got slapped yesterday and today they're offering me help.
I didn't get this offer from Adwords, but this past week I got an email followed by a call explaining that I now have a dedicated account rep.

Has anyone found that having a dedicated rep at Adwords to be a bad thing? You would think being an affiliate marketer, it's best to kind of stay under the radar, but my Rep was actually very cool about AM stuff, saying if he see's any issues he'll make sure he speaks to me first, etc.
If I'm not wrong the account reps are separate from the people reviewing your ads and earn commissions based on your spend, so I would think he's really on your side.
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