Google - Number of Impressions

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Pounding Googlebot
Oct 6, 2006
I have been doing Affiliate Marketing via PPC for about 3 months and tried out several offers.I have found good once that are converting for me, however; I haven't figured out how to increase my impressions and get more traffic via google.

My CTR is not the best, but i'm still working on that.

How is it possble to get thousands of impressions a day on Google? Does it all have to do with the quality score? Does it mean that if your CTR or quality score sucks, Google never will give you a great deal of impressions?

The average of my impressions a day is about 400 and that's it. As a site note, I set my budget to over $100 per campaign, but it does not really help impression wise.

Does any one know, how I can get more impressions?

you can test image ads or site-targetted ads.

barman, thanks for the suggestion. I have tried that in the past, however; I noticed that I can convert direct search traffic much better. At the moment, I see conversion rates as good as 1:10.

I try to focus on direct search traffic, and make my ads appear on the direct search option.
By the way, I have all my Key Words (sorted) in a own AdGroup, and I still don't get more impressions. Any help would be appreciated.
Maybe more (relevant) keywords? Maybe bid higher if you aren't getting impressions on some words. There's a great thread around on dynamically inserting keywords into your landing page, with that you could use a massive list and maintain QS.
its actually quite simple. if your bids are above your min bid, your ads are running. If you arent getting many impressions, your keywords arent being searched on google very much. That is if your ad is showing on the first page, check to see what page your ad is on.
On your Google Adword back office, you should see the average rank your link is displayed. Don't try necessarely to be the first one ($$$ keywords) but more between 5 to 8, which is a good position.

Also, impression is something, you should focus more on CTR because even if you have 10,000 impressions but with a poor CTR, it doesn't drive people to your site. And from your CTR, focus on your conversion (1 on 10 is good).

PPC is always a fine tuning process...

Good luck.

how do you check it your ad is showing on the first page.?
Impressions are important, but you should be ready to spend a lot of money if you are looking to improve your impressions and CTR. If you have a niche product, try to make longer-tail keywords to really target consumers. In this strategy, patience is important, because you might not get a lot of impressions with long-tail terms, but your conversion rate might go up overall because of the targeting strategy. High impression and CTR are great for branding your site, but might not equal conversions.
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