Google Not Passing Keyword Data For Signed In Users -- Your Thoughts?


Senior Jerk Off
Jul 12, 2011
I can't believe nobody has posted this yet anywhere (that I know of). So I guess I will.

The other day I looked into analytics and when I glanced at the keywords people used to get to my site I saw for the first time (not provided) in place of where a search term should be.

Then I read the official announcement from Google and another article at Search Engine Land which I felt was a more unbiased explanation.

Cutts claims that this will only have "a single digit impact of google searchers"...but I have a very hard time believing this.

I can see that this is already taking away some of my search data in analytics, and we're not even close to the full roll out yet. We can expect to only lose more of our data in the future.

Adwords advertisers will still be able to collect this data. Seems like Google wants us to dump more money into adwords???

I'm not the smartest guy in this forum by any means, but I'm curious as to what some of you senior members think about this BS.

Yeah this is pretty shitty. It's gonna cause a big stir, I think, because it's not just GA - it's every analytics software. Because personalized search is gonna go through https, no one is gonna get that data.

What's really suspicious, though, is that Google is still passing the keyword data from AdWords clicks. So it's not that they technically can't pass the data through https, it's that they choose not to.

The other question is... are they going to be showing the keyword data for GA Premium subscribers? I'm guessing they might.
I'm seeing a huge spike in this for the past few days. 10% of my traffic today. I read one article that said it'll go up to 25% shortly. Anyone else noticing similar?
this was posted in a blog of a good person who knows his shit in SEO -He has multiple layers . I read it like 4-5 days ago. it is indeed a problem but google needs to hide traffic based on position. The whole concept of making money sites is that you know what traffic you will get based on your experience.
I think Michael Martinez said it best:
"All your 1% Are Belong to Google
It’s funny how so many people in the SEO community are angry about Google switching its logged-in users to HTTPS protocol for their search queries. If you’re not an advertiser, you won’t see the query referral data for the 1% or so of queries that come your way from Google.

Of course, no one has been whining about all the DIRECT/OTHER/NOT SET queries they have ALREADY been receiving for a long time.

For large volume traffic most if not all analytics packages default to data sampling for your query reports — meaning you haven’t been seeing all your data for a long time anyway. A 1-5% drop in explicit referral data won’t significantly impact your query data.

So why all the fuss NOW? Hasn’t anyone been paying attention to what is actually going on in their analytics data?"

It is destructive when you lose data to compile for SEO purposes but what about the prior complaints that dissapeared.