Google Lists Practically All Pirate/Warez Domains


Click, Whirr.
Oct 27, 2008
Canada... eh!
On one hand we have Richard O’Dwyer, former owner of TVShack which is currently being extradited from the UK to the US, facing terrible fines and up to 10 years of prison for LINKING content.

On the other hand we have Google who just released a MEGA index of ALL pirate domains. Basically a library of Alexandria worth of warez links.

[ame=""]Mad World - Gary Jules - YouTube[/ame]

Always the possibility they will take it down very shortly - scrape away if you need it.

Wow, google didn't remove youtube clips of police brutality when the local law enforcement officers requested it to be removed.

I don't like Matt Cutts but I defiantly hate the cops.