Google Launches BOOST


New member
Sep 15, 2010

Would someone post a URL to boost? I think would boost this thread. Haha no pun intended. If u did include the link I apologize for asking. I'm using tapatalk.
OH MY FUCKING GOD.. i am so all over this.. do you know how many leads you can push for local businesses using this.

Be all over this.. you might get 4 hits a day but all the leads you get will be money.
Hey awesome, an automatic keyword suggester that:
As a program of Google Places, Boost could offer substantial monetization that would enable Places to experiment with other innovative location-based technologies outside of advertising. Consulting analyst firm PSFK has identified what it calls Pre-View, real-time data and video served up from local shops, as a key part of the future of retail, for example. Experiments or acquisitions in that field could be made all the more feasible by a fat pipeline of revenue produced by local advertising made easier through automation.
That is hands down the worst "marketing" drivel I've heard in years. :repuke: