Google Keywords

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New member
Mar 19, 2009
I have a question regarding Google keywords on content network.
My researched on this topic concludes that we should stick to about 30 keywords words per ad group, or no more than 50 keywords.
First question. Should I be thinking of one word here, or 2 words is ok.
Ex: Product is soccer ball:
Keywords: Soccer, ball or Soccer ball
How will Google look at this ?

Second question.
So finally I have about 50 keywords in my ad group.
Time to set up negative keywords.
Should i be reflecting these ones on my first list ?
Or maybe i can create one big list of negative keywords and use them in all of my ad groups.
(Considering that I will have ... lets say 2 ad groups where I am focusing on the same product but i want to track the specific keywords)
So should i be creating 2 separate negative keywords lists, or one big one is ok.



I will not start a retarded fight ... I will just take it as you are 2 fucken lazy to answer or you just do not know the answer ... which is ok to admit.

Read my post please, like i mentioned ... i did the searched. I did not find anything useful on negative keywords.
That's why I am asking. I definitely know what google is and you do not need to help me with " Googling "

Thank you =)
Oh and yes there are websites on negative keywords ... but i am looking for a specific answers or links that can answer this as i am more of a visual learner ... I simply need to draw it out on a white board.
For the most part I did answer #1 question but if anyone knows if it is good to stick to 50 negatives as well ... it would be good to know.
re your question about soccer balls, it depends on the match type

re you in general, better get to postin boobs quickly, or this is going to get ugly
Ahh fuck, I should have post this in the Newbie Questions...



Topic Moved. lol
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