google keyword tool captcha problem in IE - please help


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
hey guys,

I'm having a really weird problem with google keyword tool when trying to run it in Internet explorer (version 8.0)

when i enter the captcha a new one appears and this goes on and on even though i'm putting the right captcha.

the keywortd tool works fine in FF which is all the more mysterious. personally i think theres some "force" out to stop me from making decent money lol as this is not the first time silly things like this happen with me for whenever i cut a good deal with someone or spend invest cash on something shit has to happen. i just bought a new keyword tool and was quite excited but just discovered this silly issue which no1 i have asked so far has been able to answer me. which makes the keyword software i purchased pretty much useless.

if anyone of you has experienced this please help as a solution to this really moronic issue would be incredibly appreciated


Weird. I sometimes wonder if google doesn't go nuts with the anti-bot measures, like making you solve 3 captchas in a row before believing that you really are human.

It really make things hard for us bots.
I recommend not using IE as it is a piece of shit browser

EDIT: I now see you bought a tool that relies on it...hit up the developer and ask him what the dealio is
hey guys i figured it out so in case anyone else gets that problem, it has to do with your computer time. my computer time was 26 hours ahead for some reason and thats what was causing the issues