Google is dancing again - head up!

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the new update won't do you any good if you plan to promote those cheesy ebooks in your sigfile via PPC. :repuke:

Huh? Try to get a clue. First link is for a keyword tool and second is a "deal of the day" site. I don't have control over what is posted on the "deal of the day" site.
IM niche deal of the day : its either crappy ebooks and software. wat u expect.
ya dude that "Super IM Deals" is ebook shit....surprised you haven't been flamed about that before
tell me by doing that will they be losing quite some revenue?
although the one targeting get rich quick sites are good, i joined a few paid for surveys, waste of my time. now the surveys reports are bestsellers at clickbank heee, wonder how soon will google implement this :)
after reading more, seems to be the stuffs I hate and tatics I will never use, so it's rather good kee
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