Google Ireland Adwords anyone?


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Hey folks, just went into Adwords thing, created a site to promote a legit (complying with their tos) offer making the site as real as possible with all the stuff like competeting products featured, compared....
First campaign launched and got all ads disapproved for Bridge-page reason.
I then had redesigned menus, addede various kinds of "userexperience-enhancing" stuff , built-out the site and submitted for revaluation.

But now got the reply that my account is perma-suspended without specifying any concrete thing as to why. THEY didn't even revisit the site to see all the changes I had made, no visits from them as my stats say! just hit the ban button - that's all.
No previous ads run, no warnings- fisrt campaign and got fucked:uhoh2:
maybe i was just not lucky that day to encounter some nazi there huh

I have lurked in Adwords support forums and found out there's no way to find who to contact to get help and their conventional e-mail support will do nothing as well.

Can anyone suggest someone from Google Ireland with whom I could communicate on this matter??:stonedsmilie:

They suck, nothing you can do about it.

VPN -> Reloadable VCC -> New account -> New domain -> Dont do stupid shit -> $